GATE Geology and Geophysics Syllabus 2025 PDF Download

GATE Geology and Geophysics Syllabus 2025 PDF Download

Edited By Jalla Venkatesh | Updated on Dec 17, 2024 04:45 PM IST | #GATE
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GATE  Exam Date : 01 Feb' 2025 - 02 Feb' 2025

GATE Geology and Geophysics Syllabus 2025: IIT Roorkee has provided the GATE syllabus for Geology and Geophysics on the official website, Aspirants can check the GATE Geology syllabus 2025 pdf link given below. Aspirants preparing for the GATE entrance exam test have to go through the syllabus of Geology and Geophysics. The GATE exam syllabus includes topics such as Geomorphic processes and agents, Forces and mechanisms of rock deformation, Elements of crystal symmetry, forms and twinning, Cosmic abundance of elements, Classification, and the textures and structures of metamorphic rocks. The GATE 2025 exam will be conducted on February 1, 2, 15 and 16, 2025.
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GATE Geology and Geophysics Syllabus 2025 PDF Download
GATE Geology and Geophysics Syllabus 2025 PDF Download

GATE Geology and Geophysics Syllabus 2025

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee has released the GATE 2025 Geology and Geophysics syllabus on the official website, Candidates can check the GATE syllabus 2025 details in the table below.

GATE Geology Syllabus 2025 (GG- B1)

Candidates can check the GATE 2025 Geology Syllabus in the table below.




Geomorphic processes and agents; development and evolution of landforms in continental and oceanic settings; tectonic geomorphology

Structural Geology

Forces and mechanism of rock deformation; primary and secondary structures; geometry and genesis of planar and linear structures (bedding, cleavage, schistosity, lineation); folds, faults, joints and unconformities; Stereographic projection; shear zones, thrusts and superposed folding; basement-cover relationship. Interpretation of geological maps.

Crystallography and Mineralogy

Elements of crystal symmetry, form and twinning; crystallographic projection; crystal chemistry; classification of minerals, physical and optical properties of rock- forming minerals.


Cosmic abundance of elements; meteorites; geochemical evolution of the earth; geochemical cycles; distribution of major, minor and trace elements in crust and mantle; elements of high temperature and low temperature geochemical thermodynamics; isotopic evolution of the crust and the mantle, mantle reservoirs; geochemistry of water and water-rock interaction.

Igneous Petrology

Classification, forms, textures and genesis of common igneous rocks; magmatic differentiation; binary and ternary phase diagrams; major and trace elements as monitors of partial melting and magma evolutionary processes. Mantle plumes, hotspots and large igneous provinces.


Texture, structure and sedimentary processes; petrology of common sedimentary rocks; Sedimentary facies and environments, cyclicities in sedimentary succession; provencance and basin analysis. Important sedimentary basins of India.

Metamorphic Petrology

Structures and textures of metamorphic rocks. Physico-chemical conditions of metamorphism and concept of metamorphic facies, grade and baric types; chemographic projections; metamorphism of pelitic, mafic and impure carbonate rocks; role of bulk composition including fluids in metamorphism; thermobarometry and metamorphic P-T-t paths, and their tectonic significance.


Diversity of life through time, mass extinctions- causes and effects; taphonomy - processes of fossilization. Taxonomy. Morphology and functional morphology of invertebrates (bivalves, brachiopods, gastropods, echinoids, ammonites); microfossils (foraminifera, ostracoda, conodonts, bryozoa); Vertebrate paleonology (Equus, Probicidea, Human); Paleobotany (plant, spores, pollens). Basic concepts of ecology/paleoecology; classification - ecological and taxonomic schemes (diversity and richness). Fossils and paleoenvironments.


Principles of stratigraphy and concepts of correlation; Lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy. Principles of sequence stratigraphy and applications. Stratigraphy of peninsular and extra-peninsular India. Boundary problems in Indian stratigraphy.

Resource Geology

Ore-mineralogy; ore forming processes vis-à-vis ore-rock association (magmatic, hydrothermal, sedimentary, supergene and metamorphogenic ores); fluid inclusions as ore genetic tools. Coal and petroleum geology; marine mineral resources. Prospecting and exploration of economic mineral deposits - sampling, ore reserve estimation, geostatistics, mining methods. Ore dressing and mineral economics. Distribution of mineral, fossil and nuclear fuel deposits in India.

Applied Geology

Physico-mechanical properties of rocks and soils; rock index tests; Rock failure criteria (Mohr-Coulomb, Griffith and Hoek-Brown criteria); shear strength of rock discontinuities; rock mass classifications (RMR and Q Systems); in-situ stresses; rocks as construction materials; geological factors in the construction of engineering structures including dams, tunnels and excavation sites. Analysis of slope stability.

Natural hazards (landslide, volcanic, seismogenic, coastal) and mitigation. Principles of climate change.


Groundwater flow and exploration, well hydraulics and water quality

Basic Principles of Remote Sensing

energy sources and radiation principles, atmospheric absorption, interaction of energy with earth’s surface, aerial-photo interpretation, multispectral remote sensing in visible, infrared, thermal IR and microwave regions, digital processing of satellite images. GIS – basic concepts, raster and vector mode operations.

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GATE Geophysics Syllabus 2025 (GG - B2)

Candidates can check the GATE Syllabus for Geology in the table below.



Solid-Earth Geophysics

The earth as a planet; different motions of the earth; gravity field of the earth, Clairaut’s theorem, size and shape of earth; geomagnetic field, paleomagnetism; Geothermics and heat flow; seismology and interior of the earth; variation of density, velocity, pressure, temperature, electrical and magnetic properties of the earth.


Gravitational Field of the Earth; Geoid; Ellipsoid; Geodetic Reference Systems; Datum; Everest (1830) and WGS 84 (1984) systems; GPS and DGPS; Levelling and Surveying.

Earthquake Seismology

Elements of elasticity theory- stress and strain tensors, Generalized Hooke’s Law; Body and Surface Waves; Rotational, dilatational, irrorational and equivolumnal waves. Reflection and refraction of elastic waves; Inhomogenous and evanescent waves and bounded waves; Eikonal Equation and Ray theory; earthquakes-causes and measurements, magnitude and intensity, focal mechanisms; earthquake quantification, source characteristics, seismotectonics and seismic hazards; digital seismographs, Earthquake statistics, wave propogation in elastic media, quantifying earthquake source from seismological data. Elements of Seismic Tomography

Potential and Time Varying Fields

Scalar and vector potential fields; Laplace, Maxwell and Helmholtz equations for solution of different types of boundary value problems in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical polar coordinates; Green’s theorem; Image theory; integral equations in potential and time-varying field theory

Gravity Methods

Absolute and relative gravity measurements; Gravimeters; Land, airborne, shipborne and bore-hole gravity surveys; Tensorial Gravity sensors and surveys; various corrections for gravity data reduction – free air, Bouguer and isostatic anomalies; density estimates of rocks; regional and residual gravity separation; principle of equivalent stratum; data enhancement techniques, upward and downward continuation; derivative maps, wavelength filtering; preparation and analysis of gravity maps; gravity anomalies and their interpretation – anomalies due to geometrical and irregular shaped bodies, depth rules, calculation of mass

Magnetic Methods

Elements of Earth’s magnetic field, units of measurement, magnetic susceptibility of rocks and measurements, magnetometers and magnetic gradiometers, Land, airborne and marine magnetic and magnetic gradiometer surveys, Various corrections applied to magnetic data, IGRF, Reduction to Pole transformation, Poisson’s relation of gravity and magnetic potential field, preparation of magnetic maps, upward and downward continuation, magnetic anomalies due to geometrical and irregular shaped bodies; Image processing concepts in processing of magnetic anomaly maps; Depth rules; Interpretation of processed magnetic anomaly data; derivative, analytic signal and Euler Depth Solutions. Applications of gravity and magnetic methods for mineral and oil exploration.

Electrical Methods

Conduction of electricity through rocks, electrical conductivities of metals, non- metals, rock forming minerals and different rocks, concepts of D.C. resistivity measurement and depth of investigation; Apparent Resistivity and Apparent Chargeability, Concept of Negative Apparent Resistivity and Negative Apparent Chargeability; Theory of Reciprocity, Sounding and Profiling, Various electrode arrangements, application of linear filter theory, Sounding curves over multi-layered earth, Dar-Zarrouk parameters, reduction of layers, Triangle of anisotropy, interpretation of resistivity field data, Principles of equivalence and suppression, self-potential method and its origin; Electrical Resitivity Tomography (ERT); Induced polarization, time and frequency domain IP measurements; interpretation and applications of SP, resistivity and IP data sets for ground-water exploration, mineral exploration, environmental and engineering applications.

Electromagnetic Methods

Geo-electromagnetic spectrum; Biot Savart’s Law; Maxwell’s Equation, Helmotz Equation, Basic concept of EM induction in the earth, Skin-depth, elliptic polarization, in-phase and quadrature components, phasor diagrams; Response function and response parameters; Ground and Airborne Methods, measurements in different source-receiver configurations; Earth’s natural electromagnetic methods-tellurics, geomagnetic depth sounding and magnetotellurics; Electromagnetic profiling and Sounding, Time domain EM method; EM scale modelling, processing of EM data and interpretation; Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Methods; Effect of conducting overburden; Geological applications including groundwater, mineral environmental and hydrocarbon exploration

Seismic Methods

Elastic properties of earth materials; Reflection, refraction and CDP surveys; land and marine seismic sources, generation and propagation of elastic waves, velocity – depth models, geophones, hydrophones, digital recording systems, digital formats, field layouts, seismic noise and noise profile analysis, optimum geophone grouping, noise cancellation by shot and geophone arrays, 2D, 3D and 4D seismic data acquisition, processing and interpretation; CDP stacking charts, binning, filtering, static and dynamic corrections, Digital seismic data processing,seismic deconvolution and migration methods, attribute analysis, bright and dim spots, seismic stratigraphy, high resolution seismics, VSP, AVO, multi-component seismics and seismic interferometry

Reservoir geophysics

Rock Physics and Petrophysics, Geophysical Survey Design.

Geophysical Signal Processing

Sampling theorem, Nyquist frequency, aliasing, Fourier series, periodic waveform, Fourier and Hilbert transform, Z-transform and wavelet transform; power spectrum, delta function, auto correlation, cross correlation, convolution, deconvolution, principles of digital filters, windows, poles and zeros.

Geophysical Well Logging

Principles and techniques of geophysical well-logging, SP, resistivity, induction, gamma ray, neutron, density, sonic, temperature, dip meter, caliper, nuclear magnetic resonance- longitudinal and transverse relaxation, CPMG sequence, porosity characterization, cement bond logging, micro-logs. Pulsed Neutron Devices and Spectroscopy Multi-Array and Triaxial Induction Devices; Quantitative evaluation of formations from well logs; Logging while drilling; High angle and horizontal wells; Clay Quantification; Lithology and Porosity Estimation; Saturation and Permeability Estimation; application of bore hole geophysics in ground water, mineral and oil exploration

Radioactive Methods

Prospecting and assaying of mineral (radioactive and non-radioactive) deposits, half-life, decay constant, radioactive equilibrium, G M counter, scintillation detector, semiconductor devices, application of radiometric for exploration, assaying and radioactive waste disposal.

Geophysical Inversion

Basic concepts of forward and inverse problems, Ill-posedness of inverse problems, condition number, non-uniqueness and stability of solutions; L1, L2 and Lp norms, over determined, underdetermined and mixed determined inverse problems, quasi-linear and non-linear methods including Tikhonov’s regularization method, Singular Value Decomposition, BackusGilbert method, simulated annealing, genetic algorithms, swarm intelligence, machine learning and artificial neural networks. Statistics of misfit and likelihood, Bayesian construction of posterior probabilities, sparsity promoting L1 optimization. Ambiguity and uncertainty in geophysical interpretation.

GATE 2025 Exam Pattern Geology and Geophysics Paper (GG)

The Geology and Geophysics paper for GATE 2025 will be divided into two parts: Part A and Part B.

  • Part A is mandatory and consists of 25 questions, each worth 1 mark. This section will also include numerical answer-type questions.

  • Part B is split into two sections: Geology (Section I) and Geophysics ( Section II). Aspirants can choose to answer questions from either or both sections. Part B includes 30 questions, each worth 2 marks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the syllabus for GATE 2025 Geology and Geophysics?

The Syllabus for GATE 2025 Geology and Geophysics includes Earth and Planetary Systems, Weathering and Soil Formation, Basics Structural Geology, Crystallography, Remote Sensing, Hydrogeology and Mineral, Coal, and Petroleum Resources of India.

2. Is the GATE 2025 syllabus released?

Yes, the GATE syllabus 2025 has been released on June 29, 2024.

3. Where can I download the GATE Geology and Geophysics Syllabus 2025

Candidates can download the GATE 2025 Geology and Geophysics syllabus on the official website,

4. How Many Questions will be asked in the GATE exam 2025?

The GATE 2025 exam will be conducted in Computer-Based Test mode for three hours. It will consist of 65 questions for a total of 100 marks. Candidates must answer all 65 questions within a 3-hour time frame.

5. What is the last date for GATE 2025?

The last date for GATE 2025 application form with a late fee was October 3, 2024.


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University College London, London
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Imperial College, London
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Magister Jurisdiction
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Questions related to GATE

Have a question related to GATE ?

For the Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) discipline, DRDO requires candidates to have at least a First Class Bachelor's Degree in Engineering or Technology specifically in Computer Science & Engineering or equivalent fields.

Your Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) degree is in Civil Engineering, it does not align with the required educational qualifications for the Computer Science & Engineering discipline as stipulated by DRDO. Therefore, even with a valid GATE score in Computer Science, you would not meet the eligibility criteria for DRDO's Scientist 'B' positions in the CSE discipline.

Your B.Tech. in Civil Engineering makes you eligible for DRDO positions in the Civil Engineering discipline, provided you have a valid GATE score in Civil Engineering.

Unfortunately, since you fall short of a very small percentage, you won't be able to qualify this time. You can consider getting admitted without a scholarship or retake the examination once again and improve your score and then do the MTech program along with a scholarship.

All the best

Hello Greetings

Here are some popular GATE exam books with answers:

GATE Study Materials

1. *GATE Exam Guide* by McGraw Hill Education - This book provides comprehensive coverage of the GATE syllabus, with solved examples and practice questions.

2. *GATE Tutor* by Arihant Publications - This book offers detailed explanations, solved examples, and practice questions for each subject.

3. *GATE Study Material* by Made Easy - This book provides in-depth coverage of the GATE syllabus, with solved examples, practice questions, and previous year's papers.

Subject-Wise Books

1. *GATE Mechanical Engineering* by R.K. Kanodia - This book provides detailed explanations, solved examples, and practice questions for Mechanical Engineering students.

2. *GATE Electrical Engineering* by S. K. Bhattacharya - This book offers comprehensive coverage of the Electrical Engineering syllabus, with solved examples and practice questions.

3. *GATE Computer Science and Information Technology* by Narsingh Deo - This book provides in-depth coverage of the Computer Science and Information Technology syllabus, with solved examples and practice questions.

Online Resources

1. *GATE Overflow*: A popular online platform providing GATE study materials, previous year's papers, and practice questions.

2. *GATE Academy*: Offers online GATE coaching, study materials, and practice questions.

3. *Unacademy*: Provides online GATE coaching, study materials, and practice questions.

Previous Year's Papers

1. *GATE Previous Year's Papers* by IIT Kharagpur - This book provides previous year's papers for GATE, along with solutions.

2. *GATE Previous Year's Solved Papers* by Arihant Publications - This book offers previous year's papers with detailed solutions.

You can find these books on online marketplaces like Amazon, Flipkart, or in local bookstores. Additionally, you can access online resources and previous year's papers on the official GATE website or other online platforms.

Have a great day

Hello Greetings

If there's a discrepancy in your photo ID number, specifically with 2 digits interchanged, you'll need to get it corrected. According to the GATE guidelines, if your application has been marked as "DEFECTIVE" due to incorrect photo ID information, you'll be intimated via email or SMS to rectify the issue ¹.

To resolve this, you can try the following options:

- *Contact the GATE Authorities*: Reach out to the GATE organizing committee or the zonal office for assistance. They may guide you on the necessary steps to correct the error.

- *Rectify the Defect*: If your application is marked as "DEFECTIVE," you'll be given a chance to rectify the error within a specified deadline. Make sure to upload the correct photo ID and update the information accordingly.

- *Check the GATE Website*: Keep an eye on the official GATE website for any updates or instructions on correcting errors in the admit card.

Remember to act promptly, as any delay might affect your ability to appear for the examination.

Have a great day

To study for the GATE PI (Production and Industrial Engineering) exam, you should primarily focus on the official GATE PI syllabus, referring to recommended textbooks refer these books

-Industrial Engineering- M. Mahajan(Dhanpat Rai & Co.), Statistical Quality Control(Dhanpat Rai & Co.)

-Production Engineering- PC Sharma( Production Engineering), PN Rao (Metal cutting & Machine Tools), NPTEL lectures( For Advance Machining Processes), Meteorology (Dhanpat Rai & Co.)

-General Engineering- PK Nag ( Thermodynamics & HMT), S. Ramamrutham, R. Narayanan or Ratan( SOM), VB Bhandari(TOM), Callister (material science)

-Mathematics & Aptitude- Previous year questions are enough for both Mathematics & Aptitude

Also go for previous year question papers, and taking mock tests.

INDIAN OIL , IOCL, ECIL, ONGC, HPCL, BPCL, NPCIL, BAARC, DRDO, etc. do not recruit Production & Industrial Engg. through you have to go for alternative options.

Like NTPC, BHEL,GAIL,MDL,VIZAG STEEL,SAIL recruit students of PI provided they appear through ME discipline in GATE.

MOREOVER,Check the latest GATE PI syllabus and exam pattern: before starting your preparation.

1.Focus on conceptual understanding: rather than just rote learning.

2.Regularly practice numerical problems: and solve previous year papers.

3.Stay updated on the latest PSU recruitment notifications: and their respective cutoffs.


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An individual pursuing a career as a flight attendant is specially trained for the aircraft in which he or she works since passenger safety is their foremost concern. In this article, we will discuss how to become a flight attendant in India or how to become a flight attendant after graduation. 

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An aerospace engineer is an individual who develops new ideas and technologies that can be used in defence systems, aviation, and spacecraft. He or she not only designs aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, and missiles but also creates test vehicles to ensure optimum functionality. Aerospace engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the study, design, and development of aerial vehicles such as aircraft and spacecraft. 

Aerospace engineering jobs deal with employees who design or build missiles and aircraft for national defence, or spacecraft. Aerospace engineering or aircraft engineering is often referred to as rocket science. The bottom line is that the person who is pursuing a career in aerospace engineering has to deal with multiple teams at different levels and work across various technologies.

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Flight Engineer

A career in the aviation industry always sounds exciting. But, there is no scope for the slightest error as it may cost the lives of many people. A Flight Engineer role comes with the responsibility of monitoring the aircraft engine and control systems while in flight. Whenever the aircraft is away from the home station, he or she is required to perform pre-flight and post-flight inspections

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Aircrew officer

An aircrew officer or airline commanders fly aircraft to provide transportation to passengers or cargo. The aircrew officer operates the engines of aircraft and controls to navigate and fly the airplane. The ability to learn new technologies every time and to stay up-to-date with the changes in the industry is what the aircrew officer should possess. 

This could be possible through membership with professional pilot associations. The aircrew officer is also one of the highest-paid professionals and the job is quite coveted. Keep reading to find out what you need to know about how to become aircrew officer.

You may also read career as Airline Pilot.

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Air Hostess

An air hostess is a flight attendant also known as a cabin crew or steward. An air hostess undertakes several pre-flight, in-flight, and post-flight duties and is responsible for ensuring the safety and comfort of passengers on both national and international flights.  A career as an air hostess might be desirable for you if you are excited about a job in which you can help people and travel to exciting places.

Air hostesses play a crucial role in the flight crew, working closely with pilots and ground personnel to provide a safe and comfortable travel experience, even beyond their hospitality responsibilities. Being flexible, having strong communication skills, and being dedicated to the comfort of passengers are all necessary for their dynamic function, which makes them essential to the entire travel experience.

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Aeronautical Engineer

An Aeronautical Engineer job comes with the responsibility of designing aircraft and thrust systems. He or she is employed in aviation, defence or civil aviation industries. Aeronautical Engineer is generally engaged in the design of aircraft and propulsion systems as well as the analysis of building materials and aircraft's aerodynamic performance. The role of an Aeronautical Engineer may involve assembling parts of aircraft, testing and maintaining them. 

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Safety Manager

A Safety Manager is a professional responsible for employee’s safety at work. He or she plans, implements and oversees the company’s employee safety. A Safety Manager ensures compliance and adherence to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) guidelines.

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Airline Pilot

Are you searching for an 'airline pilot job description'? An airline pilot or airline commander flies aircraft and helicopters to provide transportation to passengers or cargo. The airline pilot operates the engines of the aircraft and controls them to navigate and fly the airplane. The ability to learn new technologies every time and to stay up-to-date with the changes in the industry is what aviators should possess. The career as airline pilot is also one of the highest-paid professionals and the job is quite coveted.

1 Jobs Available
Welding Engineer

Welding Engineer Job Description: A Welding Engineer work involves managing welding projects and supervising welding teams. He or she is responsible for reviewing welding procedures, processes and documentation. A career as Welding Engineer involves conducting failure analyses and causes on welding issues. 

5 Jobs Available
Transportation Planner

A career as Transportation Planner requires technical application of science and technology in engineering, particularly the concepts, equipment and technologies involved in the production of products and services. In fields like land use, infrastructure review, ecological standards and street design, he or she considers issues of health, environment and performance. A Transportation Planner assigns resources for implementing and designing programmes. He or she is responsible for assessing needs, preparing plans and forecasts and compliance with regulations.

3 Jobs Available
Environmental Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as an environmental engineer are construction professionals who utilise the skills and knowledge of biology, soil science, chemistry and the concept of engineering to design and develop projects that serve as solutions to various environmental problems. 

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Safety Manager

A Safety Manager is a professional responsible for employee’s safety at work. He or she plans, implements and oversees the company’s employee safety. A Safety Manager ensures compliance and adherence to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) guidelines.

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Conservation Architect

A Conservation Architect is a professional responsible for conserving and restoring buildings or monuments having a historic value. He or she applies techniques to document and stabilise the object’s state without any further damage. A Conservation Architect restores the monuments and heritage buildings to bring them back to their original state.

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Structural Engineer

A Structural Engineer designs buildings, bridges, and other related structures. He or she analyzes the structures and makes sure the structures are strong enough to be used by the people. A career as a Structural Engineer requires working in the construction process. It comes under the civil engineering discipline. A Structure Engineer creates structural models with the help of computer-aided design software. 

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Highway Engineer

Highway Engineer Job Description: A Highway Engineer is a civil engineer who specialises in planning and building thousands of miles of roads that support connectivity and allow transportation across the country. He or she ensures that traffic management schemes are effectively planned concerning economic sustainability and successful implementation.

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Field Surveyor

Are you searching for a Field Surveyor Job Description? A Field Surveyor is a professional responsible for conducting field surveys for various places or geographical conditions. He or she collects the required data and information as per the instructions given by senior officials. 

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Geothermal Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as geothermal engineers are the professionals involved in the processing of geothermal energy. The responsibilities of geothermal engineers may vary depending on the workplace location. Those who work in fields design facilities to process and distribute geothermal energy. They oversee the functioning of machinery used in the field.

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A geologist attempts to comprehend the historical backdrop of the planet we live on, all the more likely to anticipate the future and clarify current events. He or she analyses the components, deployments, results, physical characteristics, and past of the planet. A geologist examines the landforms and landscapes of the earth in relation to the geology, climatic, and human processes that have shaped them. 

A geologist studies earth procedures, for example, seismic tremors, avalanches, floods, and volcanic eruptions to review land and draw up safe structure plans. When he or she researches earth materials, explores metals and minerals, yet in addition search for oil, petroleum gas, water, and strategies to extricate these. 

2 Jobs Available
Energy Performance Engineer

Energy efficiency engineering is a broad field of engineering which deals with energy efficiency, energy services, facility management, plant engineering, and sustainable energy resources. Energy efficiency engineering is one of the most recent engineering disciplines to emerge. The field combines the knowledge and understanding of physics, chemistry, and mathematics, with economic and environmental engineering practices. The main job of individuals who opt for a career as an energy performance engineer is to find the most efficient and sustainable path to operate buildings and manufacturing processes. 

Individuals who opt for a career as energy performance engineers apply their understanding and knowledge to increase efficiency and further develop renewable sources of energy. The energy efficiency engineers also examine the use of energy in those procedures and suggest the ways in which systems can be improved.

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Petroleum Engineer

A career as a Petroleum engineer is concerned with activities related to producing petroleum. These products can be in the form of either crude oil or natural gas. Petroleum engineering also requires the exploration and refinement of petroleum resources. Therefore, a career as a petroleum engineer comes up with oil and gas onshore jobs. There are also desk jobs in the petroleum industry. In layman’s terms, a petroleum engineer is a person who finds the best way to drill and extract oil from oil wells. Individuals who opt for a career as petroleum engineer also tries to find new ways to extract oil in an efficient manner.

2 Jobs Available
Transportation Planner

A career as Transportation Planner requires technical application of science and technology in engineering, particularly the concepts, equipment and technologies involved in the production of products and services. In fields like land use, infrastructure review, ecological standards and street design, he or she considers issues of health, environment and performance. A Transportation Planner assigns resources for implementing and designing programmes. He or she is responsible for assessing needs, preparing plans and forecasts and compliance with regulations.

3 Jobs Available
Civil Engineer

A career as a civil engineer is of great importance for the infrastructural growth of the country. It is one of the most popular professions and there is great professional as well as personal growth in this civil engineering career path. There is job satisfaction in this civil engineering career path, but it also comes with a lot of stress, as there are multiple projects that need to be handled and have to be completed on time. Students should pursue physics, chemistry and mathematics in their 10+2 to become civil engineers. 

2 Jobs Available
Transportation Engineer

A career as a Transportation Engineer is someone who takes care of people's safety. He or she is responsible for designing, planning and constructing a safe and secure transportation system. The transportation sector has seen a huge transformation and is growing day by day and improving every day. 

As a Transport Engineer, he or she needs to solve complex problems such as accidents, costs, traffic flow, and statistics. A Transport Engineer also collaborates for projects with some other companies. 

1 Jobs Available
Loco Pilot

A loco pilot or locomotive pilot is a professional responsible for operating trains. He or she starts, stops, or controls the speed of the train. A locomotive pilot ensures that the train operates according to time schedules and signals. These loco pilots are responsible for carrying people and products to distinct destinations. 

A loco pilot has thorough knowledge and understanding of the railway operations, rules, regulations, protocols, and measures to take in times of emergency. Their role is crucial in ensuring passenger and freight trains' smooth and safe operation. Here, in this article, we will discuss everything on how to how to become a loco pilot.

2 Jobs Available
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