GATE 2026 Syllabus - Download PDF for All Subjects

GATE 2026 Syllabus - Download PDF for All Subjects

Edited By Samridhi Mishra | Updated on Feb 14, 2025 04:28 PM IST | #GATE
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GATE syllabus 2026 - Aspirants wanting to take the GATE 2026 exam must go through the GATE syllabus on this page. The complete list of topics that have to be prepared for the exam are provided in the syllabus for GATE 2026. IIT Guwahati is expected to conduct the GATE 2026 exam. The exam will be held for 30 papers. The subject-wise GATE exam syllabus is available below. Moreover, candidates will be able to access the GATE 2026 syllabus pdf download here once released online. GATE aspirants must refer to the GATE exam pattern and syllabus for their exam preparation. The GATE exam is a national-level test conducted for admission to M.Tech programmes and for recruitment purposes.

This Story also Contains
  1. GATE General Aptitude Syllabus 2026
  2. GATE CSE syllabus 2026
  3. GATE Civil Engineering syllabus 2026
  4. GATE 2026 Electronics and Communications syllabus
  5. GATE Mechanical Engineering syllabus 2026
  6. GATE Electrical Engineering syllabus 2026
  7. GATE 2026 Chemistry syllabus
  8. GATE 2026 DA syllabus
  9. GATE Ecology and Evolution syllabus 2026
  10. GATE 2026 Statistics syllabus
  11. GATE 2026 Architecture and Planning Syllabus
  12. GATE Biotechnology Syllabus 2026
  13. GATE 2026 Aerospace Engineering Syllabus
  14. GATE 2026 Agricultural Syllabus
  15. GATE Chemical Engineering Syllabus 2026
  16. GATE Environmental Science and Engineering Syllabus
  17. GATE 2026 Syllabus Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
  18. GATE Geology and Geophysics Syllabus 2026
  19. GATE Mathematics 2026 syllabus
  20. GATE 2026 Physics Syllabus
  21. GATE Instrumentation Engineering Syllabus 2026
  22. GATE Mining Engineering Syllabus 2026
  23. GATE 2026 Metallurgical Engineering Syllabus
  24. GATE 2026 Geomatics Engineering Syllabus
  25. GATE Textile Engineering and Fiber Science Syllabus 2026
  26. GATE 2026 Production and Industrial Engineering Syllabus
  27. GATE Biomedical Engineering Syllabus 2026
  28. GATE Petroleum Engineering Syllabus 2026
  29. GATE 2026 Engineering Sciences Syllabus
  30. GATE Life Sciences Syllabus 2026
  31. GATE 2026 Humanities and Social Sciences Syllabus
GATE 2026 Syllabus - Download PDF for All Subjects
GATE 2026 Syllabus - Download PDF for All Subjects
LiveGATE 2025 Answer Key LIVE: GATE official key, response sheet at soon; marking schemeFeb 22, 2025 | 4:05 PM IST

GATE 2025 answer key objection fee is expected to be Rs 500 per question challenged. The GATE 2025 answer key date is yet to be confirmed. 

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GATE General Aptitude Syllabus 2026

The GATE GA syllabus is common for all 30 GATE papers. The general aptitude section holds 15% weightage in the GATE question paper. Candidates can check the chapters and the topics of the GATE 2026 GA syllabus from the table below.

GATE GA Syllabus 2026



Verbal Aptitude

Basic English grammar: tenses, articles, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, verb-noun agreement, and other parts of speech Basic vocabulary: words, idioms, and phrases in context, reading and comprehension, Narrative sequencing.

Quantitative Aptitude

Data interpretation: data graphs (bar graphs, pie charts, and other graphs representing data), 2- and 3-dimensional plots, maps, and tables Numerical computation and estimation: ratios, percentages, powers, exponents and logarithms, permutations and combinations, and series Mensuration and geometry Elementary statistics and probability.

Analytical Aptitude

Logic: deduction and induction, Analogy, Numerical relations and reasoning

Spatial Aptitude

Transformation of shapes: translation, rotation, scaling, mirroring, assembling, and grouping paper folding, cutting, and patterns in 2 and 3 dimensions.

GATE CSE syllabus 2026

Candidates appearing for the GATE CS (Computer Science and Information Technology) exam can check the topic-wise GATE CSE syllabus below. The engineering mathematics section will comprise 13 marks in the GATE 2026 CSE question paper.

GATE syllabus Computer Science and Information Technology



Engineering Mathematics

Discrete Mathematics: Propositional and first order logic. Sets, relations, functions, partial orders and lattices. Monoids, Groups; Graphs: connectivity, matching, colouring; Combinatorics: counting, recurrence relations, generating functions; Linear Algebra: Matrices, determinants, system of linear equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, LU decomposition; Calculus: Limits, continuity and differentiability, Maxima and minima, Mean value theorem, Integration; Probability and Statistics: Random variables, Uniform, normal, exponential, Poisson and binomial distributions, Mean, median, mode and standard deviation, conditional probability and Bayes theorem.

Digital Logic

Boolean algebra. Combinational and sequential circuits. Minimization. Number representations and computer arithmetic (fixed and floating point).

Computer Organization and Architecture

Machine instructions and addressing modes. ALU, data‐path and control unit. Instruction pipelining, pipeline hazards. Memory hierarchy: cache, main memory and secondary storage; I/O interface (interrupt and DMA mode).

Programming and Data Structures

Programming in C. Recursion. Arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, binary search trees, binary heaps, graphs.


Searching, sorting, hashing. Asymptotic worst case time and space complexity. Algorithm design techniques: greedy, dynamic programming and divide‐and‐conquer. Graph traversals, minimum spanning trees, shortest paths.

Theory of Computation

Regular expressions and finite automata. Context-free grammars and push-down automata. Regular and context-free languages, pumping lemma. Turing machines and undecidability.

Compiler Design

Lexical analysis, parsing, syntax-directed translation. Runtime environments. Intermediate code generation. Local optimisation, Data flow analyses: constant propagation, liveness analysis, common sub expression elimination.

Operating System

System calls, processes, threads, inter‐process communication, concurrency and synchronization. Deadlock. CPU and I/O scheduling. Memory management and virtual memory. File systems.


ER‐model. Relational model: relational algebra, tuple calculus, SQL. Integrity constraints, normal forms. File organization, indexing (e.g., B and B+ trees). Transactions and concurrency control.

Computer Networks

Concept of layering: OSI and TCP/IP Protocol Stacks; Basics of packet, circuit and virtual circuit switching; Data link layer: framing, error detection, Medium Access Control, Ethernet bridging; Routing protocols: shortest path, flooding, distance vector and link state routing; Fragmentation and IP addressing, IPv4, CIDR notation, Basics of IP support protocols (ARP, DHCP, ICMP), Network Address Translation (NAT); Transport layer: flow control and congestion control, UDP, TCP, sockets; Application layer protocols: DNS, SMTP, HTTP, FTP, Email.

GATE Civil Engineering syllabus 2026

The GATE CE (Civil Engineering) core subjects will comprise 72 marks. The GA and engineering mathematics sections will be held for 15 and 13 marks respectively. Candidates can check the GATE 2026 CE syllabus below.

GATE CE syllabus



Engineering Mathematics

Linear Algebra: Matrix algebra; Systems of linear equations; eigen values and eigen vectors. Calculus: Functions of single variable; Limit, continuity and differentiability; Mean value theorems, local maxima and minima; Taylor series; Evaluation of definite and indefinite integrals, application of definite integral to obtain area and volume; Partial derivatives; Total derivative; Gradient, Divergence and Curl, Vector identities; Directional derivatives; Line, Surface and Volume integrals. Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE): First order (linear and non-linear) equations; higher order linear equations with constant coefficients; Euler-Cauchy equations; initial and boundary value problems. Partial Differential Equation (PDE): Fourier series; Separation of variables; solutions of onedimensional diffusion equation; first and second order one-dimensional wave equation and twodimensional Laplace equation. Probability and Statistics: Sampling theorems; Conditional probability; Descriptive statistics – Mean, median, mode and standard deviation; Random Variables – Discrete and Continuous, Poisson and Normal Distribution; Linear regression. Numerical Methods: Error analysis. Numerical solutions of linear and non-linear algebraic equations; Newton’s and Lagrange polynomials; numerical differentiation; Integration by trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule; Single and multi-step methods for first order differential equations.

Structural Engineering

Engineering Mechanics: System of forces, free-body diagrams, equilibrium equations; Internal forces in structures; Frictions and its applications; Centre of mass; Free Vibrations of undamped SDOF system. Solid Mechanics: Bending moment and shear force in statically determinate beams; Simple stress and strain relationships; Simple bending theory, flexural and shear stresses, shear centre; Uniform torsion, Transformation of stress; buckling of column, combined and direct bending stresses. Structural Analysis: Statically determinate and indeterminate structures by force/ energy methods; Method of superposition; Analysis of trusses, arches, beams, cables and frames; Displacement methods: Slope deflection and moment distribution methods; Influence lines; Stiffness and flexibility methods of structural analysis. Construction Materials and Management: Construction Materials: Structural Steel – Composition, material properties and behaviour; Concrete - Constituents, mix design, short-term and long-term properties. Construction Management: Types of construction projects; Project planning and network analysis - PERT and CPM; Cost estimation. Concrete Structures: Working stress and Limit state design concepts; Design of beams, slabs, columns; Bond and development length; Prestressed concrete beams. Steel Structures: Working stress and Limit state design concepts; Design of tension and compression members, beams and beam- columns, column bases; Connections - simple and eccentric, bea

Geotechnical Engineering

Soil Mechanics: Three-phase system and phase relationships, index properties; Unified and Indian standard soil classification system; Permeability - one dimensional flow, Seepage through soils – two - dimensional flow, flow nets, uplift pressure, piping, capillarity, seepage force; Principle of effective stress and quicksand condition; Compaction of soils; One- dimensional consolidation, time rate of consolidation; Shear Strength, Mohr’s circle, effective and total shear strength parameters, Stress-Strain characteristics of clays and sand; Stress paths. Foundation Engineering: Sub-surface investigations - Drilling bore holes, sampling, plate load test, standard penetration and cone penetration tests; Earth pressure theories - Rankine and Coulomb; Stability of slopes – Finite and infinite slopes, Bishop’s method; Stress distribution in soils – Boussinesq’s theory; Pressure bulbs, Shallow foundations – Terzaghi’s and Meyerhoff’s bearing capacity theories, effect of water table; Combined footing and raft foundation; Contact pressure; Settlement analysis in sands and clays; Deep foundations – dynamic and static formulae, Axial load capacity of piles in sands and clays, pile load test, pile under lateral loading, pile group efficiency, negative skin friction.

Water Resources Engineering

Fluid Mechanics: Properties of fluids, fluid statics; Continuity, momentum and energy equations and their applications; Potential flow, Laminar and turbulent flow; Flow in pipes, pipe networks; Concept of boundary layer and its growth; Concept of lift and drag. Hydraulics: Forces on immersed bodies; Flow measurement in channels and pipes; Dimensional analysis and hydraulic similitude; Channel Hydraulics - Energy-depth relationships, specific energy, critical flow, hydraulic jump, uniform flow, gradually varied flow and water surface profiles. Hydrology: Hydrologic cycle, precipitation, evaporation, evapo-transpiration, watershed, infiltration, unit hydrographs, hydrograph analysis, reservoir capacity, flood estimation and routing, surface run-off models, ground water hydrology - steady state well hydraulics and aquifers; Application of Darcy’s Law. Irrigation: Types of irrigation systems and methods; Crop water requirements - Duty, delta, evapotranspiration; Gravity Dams and Spillways; Lined and unlined canals, Design of weirs on

Environmental Engineering

Water and Waste Water Quality and Treatment: Basics of water quality standards – Physical, chemical and biological parameters; Water quality index; Unit processes and operations; Water requirement; Water distribution system; Drinking water treatment. Sewerage system design, quantity of domestic wastewater, primary and secondary treatment. Effluent discharge standards; Sludge disposal; Reuse of treated sewage for different applications. Air Pollution: Types of pollutants, their sources and impacts, air pollution control, air quality standards, Air quality Index and limits. Municipal Solid Wastes: Characteristics, generation, collection and transportation of solid wastes, engineered systems for solid waste management (reuse/ recycle, energy recovery, treatment and disposal).

Transportation Engineering

Transportation Infrastructure: Geometric design of highways - cross-sectional elements, sight distances, horizontal and vertical alignments. Geometric design of railway Track – Speed and Cant. Concept of airport runway length, calculations and corrections; taxiway and exit taxiway design. Highway Pavements: Highway materials - desirable properties and tests; Desirable properties of bituminous paving mixes; Design factors for flexible and rigid pavements; Design of flexible and rigid pavement using IRC codes. Traffic Engineering: Traffic studies on flow and speed, peak hour factor, accident study, statistical analysis of traffic data; Microscopic and macroscopic parameters of traffic flow, fundamental relationship

Geomatics Engineering

Principles of surveying; Errors and their adjustment; Maps - scale, coordinate system; Distance and angle measurement - Levelling and trigonometric levelling; Traversing and triangulation survey; Total station; Horizontal and vertical curves. Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing - Scale, flying height; Basics of remote sensing and GIS.

GATE 2026 Electronics and Communications syllabus

There are a total of 8 chapters under the GATE ECE exam syllabus. Students must have a good understanding of the core topics of Electronics and Communication Engineering to excel in the GATE 2026 ECE question paper.

GATE ECE syllabus



Engineering Mathematics

Linear Algebra: Vector space, basis, linear dependence and independence, matrix algebra, eigen values and eigen vectors, rank, solution of linear equations - existence and uniqueness. Calculus: Mean value theorems, theorems of integral calculus, evaluation of definite and improper integrals, partial derivatives, maxima and minima, multiple integrals, line, surface and volume integrals, Taylor series. Differential Equations: First order equations (linear and nonlinear), higher order linear differential equations, Cauchy's and Euler's equations, methods of solution using variation of parameters, complementary function and particular integral, partial differential equations, variable separable method, initial and boundary value problems. Vector Analysis: Vectors in plane and space, vector operations, gradient, divergence and curl, Gauss's, Green's and Stokes’ theorems. Complex Analysis: Analytic functions, Cauchy’s integral theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula, sequences, series, convergence tests, Taylor and Laurent series, residue theorem. Probability and Statistics: Mean, median, mode, standard deviation, combinatorial probability, probability distributions, binomial distribution, Poisson distribution, exponential distribution, normal distribution, joint and conditional probability.

Networks, Signals and Systems

Circuit Analysis: Node and mesh analysis, superposition, Thevenin's theorem, Norton’s theorem, reciprocity. Sinusoidal steady state analysis: phasors, complex power, maximum power transfer. Time and frequency domain analysis of linear circuits: RL, RC and RLC circuits, solution of network equations using Laplace transform. Linear 2-port network parameters, wye-delta transformation. Continuous-time Signals: Fourier series and Fourier transform, sampling theorem and applications. Discrete-time Signals: DTFT, DFT, z-transform, discrete-time processing of continuous-time signals. LTI systems: definition and properties, causality, stability, impulse response, convolution, poles and zeroes, frequency response, group delay, phase delay.

Electronic Devices

Energy bands in intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, equilibrium carrier concentration, direct and indirect band-gap semiconductors. Carrier Transport: Diffusion current, drift current, mobility and resistivity, generation and recombination of carriers, Poisson and continuity equations. P-N junction, Zener diode, BJT, MOS capacitor, MOSFET, LED, photo diode and solar cell.

Analog Circuits

Diode Circuits: Clipping, clamping and rectifiers. BJT and MOSFET Amplifiers: Biasing, AC coupling, small signal analysis, frequency response. Current mirrors and differential amplifiers. Op-amp Circuits: Amplifiers, summers, differentiators, integrators, active filters, Schmitt triggers and oscillators.

Digital Circuits

Number Representations: Binary, integer and floating-point- numbers. Combinatorial circuits: Boolean algebra, minimization of functions using Boolean identities and Karnaugh map, logic gates and their static CMOS implementations, arithmetic circuits, code converters, multiplexers, decoders. Sequential Circuits: Latches and flip-flops, counters, shift-registers, finite state machines, propagation delay, setup and hold time, critical path delay. Data Converters: Sample and hold circuits, ADCs and DACs. Semiconductor Memories: ROM, SRAM, DRAM. Computer Organization: Machine instructions and addressing modes, ALU, data-path and control unit, instruction pipelining.

Control Systems

Basic control system components; Feedback principle; Transfer function; Block diagram representation; Signal flow graph; Transient and steady-state analysis of LTI systems; Frequency response; Routh-Hurwitz and Nyquist stability criteria; Bode and root-locus plots; Lag, lead and lag-lead compensation; State variable model and solution of state equation of LTI systems.


Random Processes: Auto correlation and powerspectral density, properties of white noise, filtering of random signals through LTI systems. Analog Communications: Amplitude modulation and demodulation, angle modulation and demodulation, spectra of AM and FM, super heterodyne receivers. Information Theory: Entropy, mutual information and channel capacity theorem. Digital Communications: PCM, DPCM, digital modulation schemes (ASK, PSK, FSK, QAM), bandwidth, inter-symbol interference, MAP, ML detection, matched filter receiver, SNR and BER. Fundamentals of error correction, Hamming codes, CRC.


Maxwell's Equations: Differential and integral forms and their interpretation, boundary conditions, wave equation, Poynting vector. Plane Waves and Properties: Reflection and refraction, polarization, phase and group velocity, propagation through various media, skin depth. Transmission Lines: Equations, characteristic impedance, impedance matching, impedance transformation, S-parameters, Smith chart. Rectangular and circular waveguides, light propagation in optical fibers, dipole and monopole antennas, linear antenna arrays.

Also check: GATE CE question paper PDF download

GATE Mechanical Engineering syllabus 2026

The authority will prepare the GATE ME question paper 2026 as per the GATE ME syllabus. The GATE 2026 ME syllabus includes topics such as Engineering Mathematics, Applied Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics and more.

GATE syllabus ME



Engineering Mathematics

Linear Algebra: Matrix algebra, systems of linear equations, eigen values and eigen vectors. Calculus: Functions of single variable, limit, continuity and differentiability, mean value theorems, indeterminate forms; evaluation of definite and improper integrals; double and triple integrals; partial derivatives, total derivative, Taylor series (in one and two variables), maxima and minima, Fourier series; gradient, divergence and curl, vector identities, directional derivatives, line, surface and volume integrals, applications of Gauss, Stokes and Green’s theorems. Differential Equations: First order equations (linear and nonlinear); higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients; Euler-Cauchy equation; initial and boundary value problems; Laplace transforms; solutions of heat, wave and Laplace's equations. Complex Variables: Analytic functions; Cauchy-Riemann equations; Cauchy’s integral theorem and integral formula; Taylor and Laurent series. Probability and Statistics: Definitions of probability, sampling theorems, conditional probability; mean, median, mode and standard deviation; random variables, binomial, Poisson and normal distributions. Numerical Methods: Numerical solutions of linear and non-linear algebraic equations; integration by trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules; single and multi-step methods for differential equations.

Applied Mechanics and Design

Engineering Mechanics: Free-body diagrams and equilibrium; friction and its applications including rolling friction, belt-pulley, brakes, clutches, screw jack, wedge, vehicles, etc.; trusses and frames; virtual work; kinematics and dynamics of rigid bodies in plane motion; impulse and momentum (linear and angular) and energy formulations; Lagrange’s equation. Mechanics of Materials: Stress and strain, elastic constants, Poisson's ratio; Mohr’s circle for plane stress and plane strain; thin cylinders; shear force and bending moment diagrams; bending and shear stresses; concept of shear centre; deflection of beams; torsion of circular shafts; Euler’s theory of columns; energy methods; thermal stresses; strain gauges and rosettes; testing of materials with universal testing machine; testing of hardness and impact strength. Theory of Machines: Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of plane mechanisms; dynamic analysis of linkages; cams; gears and gear trains; flywheels and governors; balancing of reciprocating and rotating masses; gyroscope. Vibrations: Free and forced vibration of single degree of freedom systems, effect of damping; vibration isolation; resonance; critical speeds of shafts. Machine Design: Design for static and dynamic loading; failure theories; fatigue strength and the S-N diagram; principles of the design of machine elements such as bolted, riveted and welded joints; shafts, gears, rolling and sliding contact bearings, brakes and clutches, springs.

Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences

Fluid Mechanics: Fluid properties; fluid statics, forces on submerged bodies, stability of floating bodies; control-volume analysis of mass, momentum and energy; fluid acceleration; differential equations of continuity and momentum; Bernoulli’s equation; dimensional analysis; viscous flow of incompressible fluids, boundary layer, elementary turbulent flow, flow through pipes, head losses in pipes, bends and fittings; basics of compressible fluid flow. Heat Transfer: Modes of heat transfer; one dimensional heat conduction, resistance concept and electrical analogy, heat transfer through fins; unsteady heat conduction, lumped parameter system, Heisler's charts; thermal boundary layer, dimensionless parameters in free and forced convective heat transfer, heat transfer correlations for flow over flat plates and through pipes, effect of turbulence; heat exchanger performance, LMTD and NTU methods; radiative heat transfer, StefanBoltzmann law, Wien's displacement law, black and grey surfaces, view factors, radiation network analysis Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic systems and processes; properties of pure substances, behavior of ideal and real gases; zeroth and first laws of thermodynamics, calculation of work and heat in various processes; second law of thermodynamics; thermodynamic property charts and tables, availability and irreversibility; thermodynamic relations. Applications: Power Engineering: Air and gas compressors; vapour and gas power cycles, concepts of regeneration and reheat. I.C. Engines: Air-standard Otto, Diesel and dual cycles. Refrigeration and air-conditioning: Vapour and gas refrigeration and heat pump cycles; properties of moist air, psychrometric chart, basic psychrometric processes. Turbomachinery: Impulse and reaction principles, velocity diagrams, Pelton-wheel, Francis and Kaplan turbines; steam and gas turbines.

Materials, Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering

Engineering Materials: Structure and properties of engineering materials, phase diagrams, heat treatment, stress-strain diagrams for engineering materials. Casting, Forming and Joining Processes: Different types of castings, design of patterns, moulds and cores;solidification and cooling; riser and gating design. Plastic deformation and yield criteria; fundamentals of hot and cold working processes; load estimation for bulk (forging, rolling, extrusion, drawing) and sheet (shearing, deep drawing, bending) metal forming processes; principles of powder metallurgy. Principles of welding, brazing, soldering and adhesive bonding. Machining and Machine Tool Operations: Mechanics of machining; basic machine tools; single and multi-point cutting tools, tool geometry and materials, tool life and wear; economics of machining; principles of non-traditional machining processes; principles of work holding, jigs and fixtures; abrasive machining processes; NC/CNC machines and CNC programming. Metrology and Inspection: Limits, fits and tolerances; linear and angular measurements; comparators; interferometry; form and finish measurement; alignment and testing methods; tolerance analysis in manufacturing and assembly; concepts of coordinate-measuring machine (CMM). Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Basic concepts of CAD/CAM and their integration tools; additive manufacturing. Production Planning and Control: Forecasting models, aggregate production planning, scheduling, materials requirement planning; lean manufacturing. Inventory Control: Deterministic models; safety stock inventory control systems. Operations Research: Linear programming, simplex method, transportation, assignment, network flow models, simple queuing models, PERT and CPM.

GATE Electrical Engineering syllabus 2026

Candidates appearing for the Electrical Engineering GATE exam can check the complete topic-wise GATE 2026 EE syllabus from the following table.

GATE EE syllabus



Engineering Mathematics

Linear Algebra: Matrix Algebra, Systems of linear equations, Eigen values, Eigen vectors. Calculus: Mean value theorems, Theorems of integral calculus, Evaluation of definite and improper integrals, Partial Derivatives, Maxima and minima, Multiple integrals, Fourier series, Vector identities, Directional derivatives, Line integral, Surface integral, Volume integral, Stokes’s theorem, Gauss’s theorem, Divergence theorem, Green’s theorem. Differential Equations: First order equations (linear and nonlinear), Higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, Method of variation of parameters, Cauchy’s equation, Euler’s equation, Initial and boundary value problems, Partial Differential Equations, Method of separation of variables. Complex Variables: Analytic functions, Cauchy’s integral theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula, Taylor series, Laurent series, Residue theorem, Solution integrals. Probability and Statistics: Sampling theorems, Conditional probability, Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Random variables, Discrete and Continuous distributions, Poisson distribution, Normal distribution, Binomial distribution, Correlation analysis, Regression analysis.

Electric circuits

Network Elements: Ideal voltage and current sources, dependent sources, R, L, C, M elements; Network solution methods: KCL, KVL, Node and Mesh analysis; Network Theorems: Thevenin’s, Norton’s, Superposition and Maximum Power Transfer theorem; Transient response of DC and AC networks, sinusoidal steady-state analysis, resonance, two port networks, balanced three phase circuits, star-delta transformation, complex power and power factor in AC circuits.

Electromagnetic Fields

Coulomb's Law, Electric Field Intensity, Electric Flux Density, Gauss's Law, Divergence, Electric field and potential due to point, line, plane and spherical charge distributions, Effect of dielectric medium, Capacitance of simple configurations, Biot‐Savart’s law, Ampere’s law, Curl, Faraday’s law, Lorentz force, Inductance, Magnetomotive force, Reluctance, Magnetic circuits, Self and Mutual inductance of simple configurations.

Signals and Systems

Representation of continuous and discrete time signals, shifting and scaling properties, linear time invariant and causal systems, Fourier series representation of continuous and discrete time periodic signals, sampling theorem, Applications of Fourier Transform for continuous and discrete time signals, Laplace Transform and Z transform. R.M.S. value, average value calculation for any general periodic waveform.

Electrical Machines

Single phase transformer: equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, open circuit and short circuit tests, regulation and efficiency; Three-phase transformers: connections, vector groups, parallel operation; Auto-transformer, Electromechanical energy conversion principles; DC machines: separately excited, series and shunt, motoring and generating mode of operation and their characteristics, speed control of dc motors; Three-phase induction machines: principle of operation, types, performance, torque-speed characteristics, no-load and blocked-rotor tests, equivalent circuit, starting and speed control; Operating principle of single-phase induction motors; Synchronous machines: cylindrical and salient pole machines, performance and characteristics, regulation and parallel operation of generators, starting of synchronous motors; Types of losses and efficiency calculations of electric machines.

Power Systems

Basic concepts of electrical power generation, AC and DC transmission concepts, Models and performance of transmission lines and cables, Economic Load Dispatch (with and without considering transmission losses), Series and shunt compensation, Electric field distribution and insulators, Distribution systems, Per‐unit quantities, Bus admittance matrix, Gauss- Seidel and Newton-Raphson load flow methods, Voltage and Frequency control, Power factor correction, Symmetrical components, Symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault analysis, Principles of over‐ current, differential, directional and distance protection; Circuit breakers, System stability concepts, Equal area criterion.

Control Systems

Mathematical modelling and representation of systems, Feedback principle, transfer function, Block diagrams and Signal flow graphs, Transient and Steady‐state analysis of linear time invariant systems, Stability analysis using Routh-Hurwitz and Nyquist criteria, Bode plots, Root loci, Lag, Lead and Lead‐Lag compensators; P, PI and PID controllers; State space model, Solution of state equations of LTI systems.

Electrical and Electronic Measurements

Bridges and Potentiometers, Measurement of voltage, current, power, energy and power factor; Instrument transformers, Digital voltmeters and multi-meters, Phase, Time and Frequency measurement; Oscilloscopes, Error analysis.

Analog and Digital Electronics

Simple diode circuits: clipping, clamping, rectifiers; Amplifiers: biasing, equivalent circuit and frequency response; oscillators and feedback amplifiers; operational amplifiers: characteristics and applications; single stage active filters, Active Filters: Sallen Key, Butterwoth, VCOs and timers, combinatorial and sequential logic circuits, multiplexers, demultiplexers, Schmitt triggers, sample and hold circuits, A/D and D/A converters.

Power Electronics

Static V-I characteristics and firing/gating circuits for Thyristor, MOSFET, IGBT; DC to DC conversion: Buck, Boost and Buck-Boost Converters; Single and three-phase configuration of uncontrolled rectifiers; Voltage and Current commutated Thyristor based converters; Bidirectional ac to dc voltage source converters; Magnitude and Phase of line current harmonics for uncontrolled and thyristor based converters; Power factor and Distortion Factor of AC to DC converters; Singlephase and three-phase voltage and current source inverters, sinusoidal pulse width modulation.

Related link: GATE electrical engineering question paper

GATE 2026 Chemistry syllabus

The GATE chemistry exam will have two sections- GA and core chemistry. Candidates appearing for the GATE exam for Chemistry can check the GATE Chemistry Syllabus PDF 2026 for the detailed topic-wise syllabus. The GATE syllabus for chemistry covers topics from:

  • Physical Chemistry

  • Inorganic Chemistry

  • Organic Chemistry

GATE 2026 DA syllabus

Candidates appearing for the GATE Data Science & Artificial Intelligence paper must check the GATE DA syllabus. Candidates can download the GATE DA syllabus 2026 PDF online. The GATE DA 2026 syllabus comprises topics from:

  • Probability and Statistics

  • Linear Algebra

  • Calculus and Optimization

  • Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Database Management and Warehousing

  • Machine Learning

  • AI

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GATE Ecology and Evolution syllabus 2026

The authorities have released the GATE 2026 EY syllabus pdf online. The GATE Ecology and Evolution syllabus includes:

  • Ecology

  • Evolution

  • Mathematics and Quantitative Ecology

  • Behavioural Ecology

  • Applied Ecology & Evolution

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GATE 2026 Statistics syllabus

The GATE statistics paper will have the GA section for 15 marks, while the core statics subjects will comprise 85 marks. Candidates can check the GATE Statistics syllabus PDF to prepare for the upcoming GATE exam.

  • Calculus

  • Matrix Theory

  • Probability

  • Standard Discrete and Continuous Univariate Distributions

  • Stochastic Processes

  • Estimation

  • Testing of Hypotheses

  • Non-parametric Statistics

  • Multivariate Analysis

  • Regression Analysis

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GATE 2026 Architecture and Planning Syllabus

Candidates can check the topic-wise GATE AR 2026 syllabus below. The GATE Architecture and Planning question paper PDF will comprise 15 marks for GA and 85 marks for the core subject. The GATE 2026 AR syllabus includes the following topics:

  • Part A (Common) - Architecture, Planning and Design; Construction and Management; Environmental Planning and Design; Urban Design, landscape and Conservation; Planning process; Housing; Services and Infrastructure

  • Part B1 (Architecture) - History and Contemporary Architecture; Building Construction and Structural systems; Building Services and Sustainability

  • Part B2 (Planning) - Regional and Settlement Planning; Planning Techniques and Management; Infrastructure Planning

GATE Biotechnology Syllabus 2026

Candidates appearing in the GATE exam for Biotechnology subject can check the GATE BT 2026 syllabus topics below. Candidates must note that the GATE 2026 Biotechnology paper will comprise 13 marks for Engineering Mathematics.

  • Engineering Mathematics

  • General Biology

  • Genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology

  • Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

  • Bioprocess Engineering and Process Biotechnology

  • Plant, Animal and Microbial Biotechnology

  • Recombinant DNA Technology and Other Tools in Biotechnology

GATE 2026 Aerospace Engineering Syllabus

Aerospace Engineering aspirants can check the GATE AE Syllabus PDF 2026 for the detailed topic-wise syllabus. The GATE syllabus for Aerospace Engineering covers topics from:

  • Engineering Mathematics

  • Flight Mechanics

  • Space Dynamics

  • Aerodynamics

  • Structures

  • Propulsion

GATE 2026 Agricultural Syllabus

The authority has released the GATE AG syllabus 2026 pdf online. The GATE Agricultural Engineering syllabus includes:

  • Engineering Mathematics

  • Farm Machinery

  • Farm Power

  • Soil and Water Conservation Engineering

  • Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

  • Agricultural Process Engineering

  • Dairy and Food Engineering

GATE Chemical Engineering Syllabus 2026

Candidates appearing in the GATE exam for Chemical Engineering must check the GATE CH 2026 syllabus to prepare for the exam effectively. The GATE 2026 CH syllabus includes topics from:

  • Engineering Mathematics

  • Process Calculations and Thermodynamics

  • Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Operations

  • Heat Transfer

  • Mass Transfer

  • Chemical Reaction Engineering

  • Instrumentation and Process Control

  • Plant Design and Economics

  • Chemical Technology

GATE Environmental Science and Engineering Syllabus

The GATE ES question paper will have the GA section for 15 marks, the engineering mathematics section for 13 marks and the core subjects will comprise 72 marks. The GATE 2026 Environmental Science and Engineering syllabus includes topics from:

  • Mathematics Foundation

  • Environmental Chemistry

  • Environmental Microbiology

  • Water Resources and Environmental Hydraulics

  • Water & Wastewater Treatment and Management

  • Air and Noise Pollution

  • Solid and Hazardous Waste Management

  • Global and Regional Environmental Issues

  • Environmental Management and Sustainable Development

GATE 2026 Syllabus Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering

The GATE Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering question paper will comprise 13 marks for Engineering Mathematics. Candidates can check the GATE NM 2026 syllabus topics below.

  • Engineering Mathematics

  • Applied Mechanics and Structures

  • Fluid Mechanics and Marine Hydrodynamics

  • Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

  • Thermodynamics and Marine Engineering

GATE Geology and Geophysics Syllabus 2026

The authority has released the GATE 2026 Geology and Geophysics syllabus pdf online. The GATE GG syllabus comprises topics from:

  • Geomorphology

  • Structural Geology

  • Crystallography and Mineralogy

  • Geochemistry

  • Solid-Earth Geophysics

  • Potential and Time-Varying Fields

  • Earthquake Seismology

  • Geophysical Well Logging

  • Paleobiology

  • Stratigraphy

  • Sedimentology

GATE Mathematics 2026 syllabus

Candidates appearing in the GATE exam for Mathematics subject can check the complete GATE MA syllabus below.

  • Calculus

  • Linear Algebra

  • Real Analysis

  • Complex Analysis

  • Ordinary Differential Equations

  • Algebra

  • Functional Analysis

  • Numerical Analysis

  • Partial Differential Equations

  • Topology

  • Linear Programming

GATE 2026 Physics Syllabus

The authority will prepare the GATE physics question paper as per the GATE PH syllabus. The GATE physics 2026 syllabus includes the following topics:

  • Mathematical Physics

  • Classical Mechanics

  • Electromagnetic Theory

  • Quantum Mechanics

  • Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics

  • Atomic and Molecular Physics

  • Solid State Physics

  • Electronics

  • Nuclear and Particle Physics

GATE Instrumentation Engineering Syllabus 2026

Candidates appearing for the Instrumentation Engineering exam in GATE 2026 can check the GATE 2026 IN syllabus pdf to know the detailed list of topics that must be prepared for the exam. The GATE instrumentation syllabus includes the following chapters:

  • Engineering Mathematics

  • Electricity and Magnetism

  • Electrical Circuits and Machines

  • Signals and Systems

  • Control Systems

  • Analog Electronics

  • Digital Electronics

  • Measurements

  • Sensors and Industrial Instrumentation

  • Communication and Optical Instrumentation

GATE Mining Engineering Syllabus 2026

The authority has released the GATE MN engineering syllabus PDF online. Candidates can check the GATE 2026 Mining Engineering syllabus below.

  • Engineering Mathematics

  • Mining Geology, Mine Development and Surveying

  • Geomechanics and Ground Control

  • Mining Methods and Machinery

  • Surface Environment, Mine Ventilation and Underground Hazards

  • Mineral Economics, Mine Planning, Systems Engineering

GATE 2026 Metallurgical Engineering Syllabus

The authority will prepare the GATE MT question paper 2026 as per the syllabus. The GATE Metallurgical Engineering syllabus includes topics such as Engineering Mathematics, Metallurgical Thermodynamics, Mechanical Metallurgy and more.

  • Engineering Mathematics

  • Metallurgical Thermodynamics

  • Transport Phenomena and Rate Processes

  • Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy

  • Physical Metallurgy

  • Mechanical Metallurgy

  • Manufacturing Processes

GATE 2026 Geomatics Engineering Syllabus

Candidates must prepare all the topics mentioned in the GATE GE syllabus pdf. The GATE Geomatics Engineering syllabus includes Engineering Mathematics and more.

  • Part A (Common) - Engineering Mathematics, Remote Sensing, GNSS, GIS

  • Part B1 (Surveying and Mapping) - Maps, Land Surveying, Aerial Photogrammetry

  • Part B2 (Image Processing and Analysis) - Data Quantization and Processing, Digital Image Processing, Radiometric and Geometric Corrections, Image Enhancement, Image Transformation, Image Segmentation and Classification

GATE Textile Engineering and Fiber Science Syllabus 2026

The GATE TF question paper will be based on the GATE 2026 TF syllabus provided by the authority. Candidates can check the GATE Textile Engineering and Fiber Science syllabus below.

  • Engineering Mathematics

  • Textile Fibres

  • Yarn Manufacture, Yarn Structure and Properties

  • Fabric Manufacture, Structure and Properties

  • Textile Testing

  • Chemical Processing

GATE 2026 Production and Industrial Engineering Syllabus

The GATE Production and Industrial Engineering question paper will comprise 13 marks for Engineering Mathematics, 15 marks for the compulsory GA section and 72 marks for the core subject. Candidates can check the GATE PI 2026 syllabus below.

  • Engineering Mathematics

  • General Engineering

  • Manufacturing Processes I

  • Manufacturing Processes II

  • Quality and Reliability

  • Industrial Engineering

  • Operations research and Operations management

GATE Biomedical Engineering Syllabus 2026

The GATE exam authority has released the GATE syllabus pdf for Biomedical Engineering online. Candidates can check the GATE 2026 BM syllabus below.

  • Engineering Mathematics

  • Electrical Circuits

  • Signals and Systems

  • Analog and Digital Electronics

  • Measurements and Control Systems

  • Sensors and Bioinstrumentation

  • Human Anatomy and Physiology

  • Medical Imaging Systems

  • Biomechanics

  • Biomaterials

GATE Petroleum Engineering Syllabus 2026

Candidates can download the GATE PE 2026 syllabus pdf for the detailed syllabus. The GATE 2026 Petroleum Engineering syllabus comprises topics from the following sections:

  • Engineering Mathematics

  • Petroleum Exploration

  • Oil and Gas Well Drilling Technology

  • Reservoir Engineering

  • Petroleum Production Operations

  • Offshore Drilling and Production Practices

  • Petroleum Formation Evaluation

  • Oil and Gas Well Testing

  • Health Safety and Environment in the Petroleum Industry

  • Enhanced Oil Recovery Techniques

  • Latest Trends in Petroleum Engineering

GATE 2026 Engineering Sciences Syllabus

Candidates appearing for the GATE Engineering Sciences paper must prepare for the exam as per the syllabus provided. The GATE XE syllabus includes a common section, Engineering Mathematics for all the XE candidates. Candidates are required to select any two additional sections to appear for the exam. The syllabus is different for the different sections. Candidates can download the GATE 2026 XE syllabus pdf to know the section-wise topics.

GATE Life Sciences Syllabus 2026

Candidates appearing in the GATE exam for Life Sciences programme must prepare for the exam as per the syllabus provided. The Chemistry section is a compulsory section for the GATE XL candidates. Applicants are required to select any two additional sections to appear for the exam. The GATE 2026 XL syllabus is different for the different sections. Candidates can download the GATE 2026 XL syllabus pdf to know the section-wise topics.

GATE 2026 Humanities and Social Sciences Syllabus

Candidates must check the GATE XH syllabus 2026 to prepare for the exam. The reasoning and comprehension section is common for all XH candidates. Apart from this, applicants are required to select two additional sections while appearing for the paper. Candidates must download the GATE XH syllabus pdf for a detailed topics-wise syllabus for all sections.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is the GATE 2026 syllabus released?

No. The exam conducting authority will release the GATE 2026 syllabus on the official website.

2. Is the GATE 2026 syllabus released?

No. The exam conducting authority will release the GATE 2026 syllabus on the official website.

3. Who will conduct GATE 2026?

IIT Guwahati is expected to conduct the GATE 2026 exam.

4. Who will conduct GATE 2026?

IIT Guwahati is expected to conduct the GATE 2026 exam.

5. Is the GATE syllabus changed every year?

The GATE syllabus does not change frequently. In case of any changes, the authority will inform the same on the official website.

6. Is the GATE syllabus changed every year?

The GATE syllabus does not change frequently. In case of any changes, the authority will inform the same on the official website.

7. When should I start preparing for GATE 2026?

Candiadtes should start preparing for the GATE exam as soon as possible. Ideally a time period of 8-12 months shoulder suffice the GATE preparation.

8. When should I start preparing for GATE 2026?

Candiadtes should start preparing for the GATE exam as soon as possible. Ideally a time period of 8-12 months shoulder suffice the GATE preparation.


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Questions related to GATE

Have a question related to GATE ?

Hello there,

No, the Technical University of Munich (TUM) does not accept GATE scores for admission to its master's programs. TUM primarily evaluates applications based on academic performance (CGPA), GRE (for some programs), English/German language proficiency, and relevant experience.

However, some German universities do accept GATE scores for specific programs. If you are interested in TUM, check the exact admission requirements on their official website or consider applying to universities that accept GATE for MS programs in Germany.

I hope this answer helps you. If you have more queries then feel free to share your questions with us we will be happy to assist you.

Thank you and wishing you all the best for your bright future.


To prepare for the GATE exam, start by selecting the right subject based on your undergraduate degree. Understand the syllabus, exam pattern, and weightage of topics. Use standard reference books, NPTEL lectures, and online resources for conceptual clarity. Solve previous years’ papers and mock tests regularly to improve speed and accuracy. Focus on core subjects, engineering mathematics, and aptitude. Create a structured study plan and revise frequently. If needed, join coaching or online courses for expert guidance. Stay consistent, analyze mistakes, and work on weak areas. Time management and problem-solving skills are key to success.

To prepare for the GATE exam , begin by reviewing the syllabus for your subject. Gather reliable study materials , including standard reference books and previous years' question papers . Focus on building strong concepts , revising key formulas, and solving mock tests regularly. Develop a structured study plan , dedicating time to each topic. Enhance problem-solving skills and improve time management . Utilize online courses, coaching, or test series if necessary. Maintain consistency, revise frequently , and analyze your progress to strengthen weak areas for a better score.

If you haven't taken CUET, JAM, or GATE but still want to pursue an MSc in Data Science , consider applying to universities and colleges that offer admission based on your B.Sc. CS marks and may conduct their own entrance exams or interviews. Here are a few options to explore:

Central Universities:

Delhi University:

Offers MSc in Computer Science with a Data Science specialization, admissions are based on merit in your B.Sc. marks.

Jadavpur University:

Provides MSc in Data Science, with potential for admission based on merit and an interview.

Banaras Hindu University (BHU):

Offers MSc in Computer Science with a Data Science specialization, consider checking their admission criteria.

Private Universities:

Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT): Has a dedicated MSc in Data Science program with flexible admission criteria.

Christ University, Bangalore: Offers MSc in Data Science with a good reputation, check their admission process.

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham: Provides MSc in Data Science, consider their merit-based admission.

State Universities:

University of Hyderabad:

Offers MSc in Computer Science with a focus on Data Science, check specific program details.

University of Pune:

Provides MSc in Computer Science with Data Science specialization, inquire about their admission process.

University of Madras:

Consider their MSc in Computer Science program for potential Data Science focus.

Important Points to Consider:

Check individual university websites:

Each institution has its own admission criteria, so carefully review their eligibility requirements and application process.

Contact the admissions office:

Reach out to the universities you are interested in to inquire about their admission process and if they offer any alternative pathways for admission without entrance exams.

Focus on your B.Sc. performance:

Ensure you have a strong academic record in your B.Sc. CS to enhance your application.

Highlight relevant skills:

Emphasize any data science skills you have acquired through projects, internships, or online courses in your application.

Prepare for potential interviews:

Some universities may conduct personal interviews as part of the admission process.



The expected GATE 2025 PSU cutoff will vary by discipline and PSU but will be similar to previous years . Based on past trends :

ONGC : Mechanical (850) , Electrical (800)

NTPC : Electrical (750) , Mechanical (800)

IOCL : Mechanical (700) , Civil (650)

HPCL/BPCL : 650-750 (varies by branch)

Factors Affecting Cutoff :

Number of vacancies .

Difficulty level of GATE .

Number of applicants .

hope this helps you .

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Flight Attendant

A flight attendant is a professional whose primary duty is to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers during an airline flight. An individual who is pursuing a career as a flight attendant is part of the cabin crew for the plane, a team of personnel who operate a commercial, business, or even military aircraft while travelling domestically or internationally. 

An individual pursuing a career as a flight attendant is specially trained for the aircraft in which he or she works since passenger safety is their foremost concern. In this article, we will discuss how to become a flight attendant in India or how to become a flight attendant after graduation. 

3 Jobs Available
Aerospace Engineer

An aerospace engineer is an individual who develops new ideas and technologies that can be used in defence systems, aviation, and spacecraft. He or she not only designs aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, and missiles but also creates test vehicles to ensure optimum functionality. Aerospace engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the study, design, and development of aerial vehicles such as aircraft and spacecraft. 

Aerospace engineering jobs deal with employees who design or build missiles and aircraft for national defence, or spacecraft. Aerospace engineering or aircraft engineering is often referred to as rocket science. The bottom line is that the person who is pursuing a career in aerospace engineering has to deal with multiple teams at different levels and work across various technologies.

2 Jobs Available
Flight Engineer

A career in the aviation industry always sounds exciting. But, there is no scope for the slightest error as it may cost the lives of many people. A Flight Engineer role comes with the responsibility of monitoring the aircraft engine and control systems while in flight. Whenever the aircraft is away from the home station, he or she is required to perform pre-flight and post-flight inspections

2 Jobs Available
Aircrew officer

An aircrew officer or airline commanders fly aircraft to provide transportation to passengers or cargo. The aircrew officer operates the engines of aircraft and controls to navigate and fly the airplane. The ability to learn new technologies every time and to stay up-to-date with the changes in the industry is what the aircrew officer should possess. 

This could be possible through membership with professional pilot associations. The aircrew officer is also one of the highest-paid professionals and the job is quite coveted. Keep reading to find out what you need to know about how to become aircrew officer.

You may also read career as Airline Pilot.

2 Jobs Available
Air Hostess

An air hostess is a flight attendant also known as a cabin crew or steward. An air hostess undertakes several pre-flight, in-flight, and post-flight duties and is responsible for ensuring the safety and comfort of passengers on both national and international flights.  A career as an air hostess might be desirable for you if you are excited about a job in which you can help people and travel to exciting places.

Air hostesses play a crucial role in the flight crew, working closely with pilots and ground personnel to provide a safe and comfortable travel experience, even beyond their hospitality responsibilities. Being flexible, having strong communication skills, and being dedicated to the comfort of passengers are all necessary for their dynamic function, which makes them essential to the entire travel experience.

2 Jobs Available
Aeronautical Engineer

An Aeronautical Engineer job comes with the responsibility of designing aircraft and thrust systems. He or she is employed in aviation, defence or civil aviation industries. Aeronautical Engineer is generally engaged in the design of aircraft and propulsion systems as well as the analysis of building materials and aircraft's aerodynamic performance. The role of an Aeronautical Engineer may involve assembling parts of aircraft, testing and maintaining them. 

2 Jobs Available
Safety Manager

A Safety Manager is a professional responsible for employee’s safety at work. He or she plans, implements and oversees the company’s employee safety. A Safety Manager ensures compliance and adherence to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) guidelines.

2 Jobs Available
Airline Pilot

Are you searching for an 'airline pilot job description'? An airline pilot or airline commander flies aircraft and helicopters to provide transportation to passengers or cargo. The airline pilot operates the engines of the aircraft and controls them to navigate and fly the airplane. The ability to learn new technologies every time and to stay up-to-date with the changes in the industry is what aviators should possess. The career as airline pilot is also one of the highest-paid professionals and the job is quite coveted.

1 Jobs Available
Welding Engineer

Welding Engineer Job Description: A Welding Engineer work involves managing welding projects and supervising welding teams. He or she is responsible for reviewing welding procedures, processes and documentation. A career as Welding Engineer involves conducting failure analyses and causes on welding issues. 

5 Jobs Available
Transportation Planner

A career as Transportation Planner requires technical application of science and technology in engineering, particularly the concepts, equipment and technologies involved in the production of products and services. In fields like land use, infrastructure review, ecological standards and street design, he or she considers issues of health, environment and performance. A Transportation Planner assigns resources for implementing and designing programmes. He or she is responsible for assessing needs, preparing plans and forecasts and compliance with regulations.

3 Jobs Available
Environmental Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as an environmental engineer are construction professionals who utilise the skills and knowledge of biology, soil science, chemistry and the concept of engineering to design and develop projects that serve as solutions to various environmental problems. 

2 Jobs Available
Safety Manager

A Safety Manager is a professional responsible for employee’s safety at work. He or she plans, implements and oversees the company’s employee safety. A Safety Manager ensures compliance and adherence to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) guidelines.

2 Jobs Available
Conservation Architect

A Conservation Architect is a professional responsible for conserving and restoring buildings or monuments having a historic value. He or she applies techniques to document and stabilise the object’s state without any further damage. A Conservation Architect restores the monuments and heritage buildings to bring them back to their original state.

2 Jobs Available
Structural Engineer

A Structural Engineer designs buildings, bridges, and other related structures. He or she analyzes the structures and makes sure the structures are strong enough to be used by the people. A career as a Structural Engineer requires working in the construction process. It comes under the civil engineering discipline. A Structure Engineer creates structural models with the help of computer-aided design software. 

2 Jobs Available
Highway Engineer

Highway Engineer Job Description: A Highway Engineer is a civil engineer who specialises in planning and building thousands of miles of roads that support connectivity and allow transportation across the country. He or she ensures that traffic management schemes are effectively planned concerning economic sustainability and successful implementation.

2 Jobs Available
Field Surveyor

Are you searching for a Field Surveyor Job Description? A Field Surveyor is a professional responsible for conducting field surveys for various places or geographical conditions. He or she collects the required data and information as per the instructions given by senior officials. 

2 Jobs Available
Geothermal Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as geothermal engineers are the professionals involved in the processing of geothermal energy. The responsibilities of geothermal engineers may vary depending on the workplace location. Those who work in fields design facilities to process and distribute geothermal energy. They oversee the functioning of machinery used in the field.

3 Jobs Available

A geologist attempts to comprehend the historical backdrop of the planet we live on, all the more likely to anticipate the future and clarify current events. He or she analyses the components, deployments, results, physical characteristics, and past of the planet. A geologist examines the landforms and landscapes of the earth in relation to the geology, climatic, and human processes that have shaped them. 

A geologist studies earth procedures, for example, seismic tremors, avalanches, floods, and volcanic eruptions to review land and draw up safe structure plans. When he or she researches earth materials, explores metals and minerals, yet in addition search for oil, petroleum gas, water, and strategies to extricate these. 

2 Jobs Available
Energy Performance Engineer

Energy efficiency engineering is a broad field of engineering which deals with energy efficiency, energy services, facility management, plant engineering, and sustainable energy resources. Energy efficiency engineering is one of the most recent engineering disciplines to emerge. The field combines the knowledge and understanding of physics, chemistry, and mathematics, with economic and environmental engineering practices. The main job of individuals who opt for a career as an energy performance engineer is to find the most efficient and sustainable path to operate buildings and manufacturing processes. 

Individuals who opt for a career as energy performance engineers apply their understanding and knowledge to increase efficiency and further develop renewable sources of energy. The energy efficiency engineers also examine the use of energy in those procedures and suggest the ways in which systems can be improved.

2 Jobs Available
Petroleum Engineer

A career as a Petroleum engineer is concerned with activities related to producing petroleum. These products can be in the form of either crude oil or natural gas. Petroleum engineering also requires the exploration and refinement of petroleum resources. Therefore, a career as a petroleum engineer comes up with oil and gas onshore jobs. There are also desk jobs in the petroleum industry. In layman’s terms, a petroleum engineer is a person who finds the best way to drill and extract oil from oil wells. Individuals who opt for a career as petroleum engineer also tries to find new ways to extract oil in an efficient manner.

2 Jobs Available
Transportation Planner

A career as Transportation Planner requires technical application of science and technology in engineering, particularly the concepts, equipment and technologies involved in the production of products and services. In fields like land use, infrastructure review, ecological standards and street design, he or she considers issues of health, environment and performance. A Transportation Planner assigns resources for implementing and designing programmes. He or she is responsible for assessing needs, preparing plans and forecasts and compliance with regulations.

3 Jobs Available
Civil Engineer

A career as a civil engineer is of great importance for the infrastructural growth of the country. It is one of the most popular professions and there is great professional as well as personal growth in this civil engineering career path. There is job satisfaction in this civil engineering career path, but it also comes with a lot of stress, as there are multiple projects that need to be handled and have to be completed on time. Students should pursue physics, chemistry and mathematics in their 10+2 to become civil engineers. 

2 Jobs Available
Transportation Engineer

A career as a Transportation Engineer is someone who takes care of people's safety. He or she is responsible for designing, planning and constructing a safe and secure transportation system. The transportation sector has seen a huge transformation and is growing day by day and improving every day. 

As a Transport Engineer, he or she needs to solve complex problems such as accidents, costs, traffic flow, and statistics. A Transport Engineer also collaborates for projects with some other companies. 

1 Jobs Available
Loco Pilot

A loco pilot or locomotive pilot is a professional responsible for operating trains. He or she starts, stops, or controls the speed of the train. A locomotive pilot ensures that the train operates according to time schedules and signals. These loco pilots are responsible for carrying people and products to distinct destinations. 

A loco pilot has thorough knowledge and understanding of the railway operations, rules, regulations, protocols, and measures to take in times of emergency. Their role is crucial in ensuring passenger and freight trains' smooth and safe operation. Here, in this article, we will discuss everything on how to how to become a loco pilot.

2 Jobs Available
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