GATE Biotechnology Syllabus 2025 - Download BT Syllabus PDF

GATE Biotechnology Syllabus 2025 - Download BT Syllabus PDF

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 29, 2025 02:38 PM IST | #GATE

GATE Biotechnology Syllabus 2025 (BT) - IIT Roorkee released the GATE 2025 Biotechnology syllabus pdf on the website, GATE BT syllabus 2025 consists of topics from different sections like General Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics, General Biology, Genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology. Fundamentals of Biological Engineering, Bioprocess Engineering Process Biotechnology etc. GATE Biotechnology syllabus 2025 mostly includes topics from the UG level. Aspirants can download the GATE syllabus pdf on this page. Along with the GATE Biotechnology syllabus, candidates must check the exam pattern to plan their preparation. The GATE 2025 question paper will be prepared based on the syllabus of GATE Biotechnology 2025. The authority will conduct the GATE 2025 exam on February 1, 2, 15 & 16, 2025. The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering will be held for three hours.
Direct link to download the GATE 2025 BT syllabus

This Story also Contains
  1. GATE Biotechnology Syllabus 2025- Download PDF Here
  2. GATE Biotechnology 2025 Syllabus for Engineering Mathematics
  3. GATE 2025 Biotechnology Syllabus for General Biology
  4. GATE Biotechnology Syllabus for Genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology 2025
  5. GATE Biotechnology 2025 Syllabus for Fundamentals of Biological Engineering
  6. GATE Biotechnology Syllabus 2025 for Bioprocess Engineering and Process Biotechnology
  7. GATE 2025 Biotechnology Syllabus for Plant, Animal, and Microbial Biotechnology
  8. GATE Biotechnology Syllabus for Recombinant DNA Technology and Other Tools 2025
GATE Biotechnology Syllabus 2025 - Download BT Syllabus PDF
GATE Biotechnology Syllabus 2025 - Download BT Syllabus PDF

GATE Biotechnology Syllabus 2025- Download PDF Here

IIT Roorkee published the syllabus of GATE Biotechnology on the official website. Candidates can check the detailed GATE 2025 BT syllabus here.

GATE BT Syllabus 2025 for General Aptitude (GA)

GATE GA syllabus for Verbal Aptitude
  • Basic English grammar: tenses, articles, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, verb-noun agreement, and other parts of speech
  • Basic vocabulary: words, idioms, and phrases in context, reading and comprehension, Narrative sequencing.
GATE GA syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude
  • Data interpretation: data graphs (bar graphs, pie charts, and other graphs representing data), 2- and 3-dimensional plots, maps, and tables
  • Numerical computation and estimation: ratios, percentages, powers, exponents and logarithms, permutations and combinations, and series Mensuration and geometry Elementary statistics and probability
GATE GA syllabus for Analytical Aptitude
  • Logic: deduction and induction, Analogy, Numerical relations and reasoning
GATE GA syllabus for Spatial Aptitude
  • Transformation of shapes: translation, rotation, scaling, mirroring, assembling, and grouping paper folding, cutting, and patterns in 2 and 3 dimensions.

GATE Biotechnology 2025 Syllabus for Engineering Mathematics

The Engineering Mathematics segment within the GATE Biotechnology syllabus is a shared component across diverse Engineering disciplines within the GATE exam. This section encompasses six main areas: Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, Analysis of Complex Variables, Probability and Statistics, and Numerical Methods. These topics are elaborated upon as follows.

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GATE BT Syllabus 2025 of Engineering Mathematics

Linear AlgebraMatrix algebra, systems of linear equations, consistency and rank, Eigenvalues, and Eigenvectors.
CalculusMean value theorems, theorems of integral calculus, partial derivatives, maxima and minima, multiple integrals, Fourier series, vector identities, line, surface and volume integrals, Stokes, Gauss, and Green’s theorems.
Differential equationsFirst-order equation (linear and nonlinear), second-order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, Method of variation of parameters, Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations, Initial and boundary value problems, solution of partial differential equations: variable separable method.
Analysis of complex variablesAnalytic functions, Cauchy’s integral theorem, integral formula, Taylor’s and Laurent’s series, residue theorem, and solution of integrals.
Probability and StatisticsSampling theorems, conditional probability, mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and variance, random variables: discrete and continuous distributions: normal, Poisson, and binomial distributions.
Numerical MethodsMatrix inversion, solutions of nonlinear algebraic equations, iterative methods for solving differential equations, numerical integration, regression, and correlation analysis.
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GATE 2025 Biotechnology Syllabus for General Biology

The gate biotechnology syllabus within the field of Biotechnology encompasses several significant subjects, including uncompetitive inhibition, competence, immunization, and numerous others. Let's delve into the topics listed in the table below.

GATE BT General Biology Syllabus 2025

BiochemistryBiomolecules– structure and function, Biological membranes, molecular motors, action potential and transport processes, Basic concepts and regulation of the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and nucleic acids, photosynthesis, respiration and electron transport chain.
Enzymes– Classification, catalytic and regulatory strategies.
Enzyme inhibition– competitive, non-competitive and uncompetitive inhibition.
MicrobiologyBacterial classification and diversity, Microbial Ecology- microbes in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems, Microbial interactions, Viruses- structure and classification, Methods in microbiology, Microbial growth and nutrition, Nitrogen fixation, Microbial diseases and host-pathogen interactions, Antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance.
ImmunologyInnate and adaptive immunity, humoral and cell-mediated immunity, Antibody structure and function, Molecular basis of antibody diversity, T cell, and B cell development, Antigen-antibody reaction, complement, Primary and secondary lymphoid organs, Major histocompatibility complex (MHC), Antigen processing and presentation, Polyclonal and monoclonal antibody, Regulation of immune response, Immune tolerance, hypersensitivity, autoimmunity, Graft versus host reaction, Immunization and vaccines.
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GATE Biotechnology Syllabus for Genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology 2025

The Genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology segment of the GATE Biotechnology syllabus 2025 encompasses a range of topics including Genetic disorders, Molecular structure of genes and chromosomes, Extracellular matrix, and more. Here is the complete GATE BT exam syllabus 2025-

GATE Biotechnology Syllabus 2025 for Genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology

Genetics and Evolutionary BiologyMendelian inheritance, Gene interaction, Complementation, Linkage, recombination and chromosome mapping, Extrachromosomal inheritance, Microbial genetics– transformation, transduction and conjugation, Horizontal gene transfer and transposable elements, Chromosomal variation, Genetic disorders, Population genetics, Epigenetics, Selection and inheritance, Adaptive and neutral evolution, Genetic drift, Species, and speciation.
Cell BiologyProkaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure, cell cycle and cell growth control, Cell-cell communication, Cell signalling, and signal transduction, Post-translational modifications, Protein trafficking, Cell death, and autophagy, and Extracellular matrix.
Molecular BiologyMolecular structure of genes and chromosomes, Mutations and mutagenesis, Regulation of gene expression, Nucleic acid– replication, transcription, splicing, translation and their regulatory mechanisms, Non-coding and microRNA, RNA interference, DNA damage, and repair.

GATE Biotechnology 2025 Syllabus for Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

The Fundamentals of Biological Engineering section of the GATE Biotechnology syllabus includes topics such as electron balance, Conduction and convective heat transfer, Mixing in bioreactors, Laws of thermodynamics, and more. Let's delve into a comprehensive description of the GATE BT syllabus:

GATE BT Fundamentals of Biological Engineering Syllabus 2025

Engineering Principles applied to biological systemsMaterial and energy balances for reactive and non-reactive systems, recycle, bypass and purge processes, Stoichiometry of growth and product formation, Degree of reduction, electron balance, and theoretical oxygen demand.
Classical thermodynamics and BioenergeticsClassical thermodynamics and BioenergeticLaws of thermodynamics, Solution thermodynamics, Phase equilibria, reaction equilibria, Ligand binding, Membrane potential, Energetics of metabolic pathways, oxidation and reduction reactions.s
Transport ProcessesNewtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, fluid flow– laminar and turbulent, Mixing in bioreactors, mixing time, Molecular diffusion and film theory, Oxygen transfer and uptake in a bioreactor, kLa and its measurement, Conductive and convective heat transfer, LMTD, overall heat transfer coefficient, Heat exchangers.

GATE Biotechnology Syllabus 2025 for Bioprocess Engineering and Process Biotechnology

The Bioprocess Engineering and Process Biotechnology segment within the GATE Biotechnology syllabus for 2025 encompasses crucial subjects including Thiele modulus, Filtration, tuning of controllers, and more. Let's take a look at the significant topics addressed in the GATE BT syllabus:

GATE BT Bioprocess Engineering and Process Biotechnology Syllabus 2025

Bioreaction EngineeringRate law, zero and first-order kinetics, Ideal reactors– batch, mixed flow, and plug flow, Enzyme immobilization, diffusion effects – Thiele modulus, effectiveness factor, Damkoehler number, Kinetics of cell growth, substrate utilization, and product formation, Structured and unstructured models, batch, fed-batch, and continuous processes, Microbial and enzyme reactors, Optimization and scale-up.
Upstream and Downstream ProcessingMedia formulation and optimization, Sterilization of air and media, Filtration– membrane filtration, ultrafiltration, Centrifugation – high speed and ultra, Cell disruption, Principles of chromatography– ion exchange, gel filtration, hydrophobic interaction, affinity, GC, HPLC and FPLC, extraction, adsorption, and drying.
Instrumentation and Process ControlPressure, temperature, and flow measurement devices, Valves, First-order and second-order systems, Feedback and feedforward control, Types of controllers– proportional, derivative, and integral control, tuning of controllers.

GATE 2025 Biotechnology Syllabus for Plant, Animal, and Microbial Biotechnology

The Plant, Animal, and Microbial Biotechnology section within the GATE Biotechnology syllabus encompasses a range of subjects, including methodology, Plastid transformation, Culture media composition and growth conditions, Biofuels, antibiotics, and more. Here are the significant topics covered in this section:

GATE Biotechnology Syllabus 2025 of Plant, Animal, and Microbial Biotechnology

PlantsTotipotency- Regeneration of plants, Plant growth regulators and elicitors, Tissue culture and cell suspension culture system – methodology, the kinetics of growth and nutrient optimization, Production of secondary metabolites, Hairy root culture, Plant products of industrial importance, Artificial seeds, Somaclonal variation, Protoplast, protoplast fusion – somatic hybrid and cybrid, Transgenic plants– direct and indirect methods of gene transfer techniques, Selection marker and reporter gene, Plastid transformation.
AnimalsCulture media composition and growth conditions, Animal cell and tissue preservation, Anchorage and non-anchorage dependent cell culture, Kinetics of cell growth, Micro macro-carrier culture, Hybridoma technology, Stem cell technology, Animal cloning, Transgenic animals, Knock-out and knock-in animals.
MicrobesProduction of biomass and primary/secondary metabolites – Biofuels, bioplastic, industrial enzymes, antibiotics, Large-scale production and purification of recombinant proteins and metabolites, Clinical-, food- and industrial- microbiology, Screening strategies for new products.

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GATE Biotechnology Syllabus for Recombinant DNA Technology and Other Tools 2025

The Recombinant DNA Technology and Other Tools in Biotechnology segment holds significance within the GATE Syllabus for Biotechnology. It encompasses a range of topics, including DNA library, RAPD, RFLP, Enzymatic assays, Gene prediction, UV, visible, and more. Here are the notable subjects covered in the GATE exam syllabus for Biotechnology's DNA Technology and Other Tools section:

GATE BT Syllabus 2025 for Recombinant DNA Technology and Other Tools

Recombinant DNA TechnologyRestriction and modification enzymes, Vectors – plasmids, bacteriophage and other viral vectors, cosmids, Ti plasmid, bacterial and yeast artificial chromosomes, Expression vectors, cDNA and genomic DNA library, Gene isolation and cloning, strategies for the production of recombinant proteins, Transposons and gene targeting,
Molecular toolsPolymerase chain reaction, DNA/RNA labelling and sequencing, Southern and northern blotting, In-situ hybridization, DNA fingerprinting, RAPD, RFLP, Site-directed mutagenesis, Gene transfer technologies, CRISPR-Cas, Biosensing, and biosensors.
Analytical toolsPrinciples of microscopy– light, electron, fluorescent and confocal, Principles of spectroscopy– UV, visible, CD, IR, fluorescence, FT-IR, MS, NMR, Electrophoresis, Micro-arrays, Enzymatic assays, Immunoassays– ELISA, RIA, immunohistochemistry, immunoblotting, Flow cytometry, Whole-genome, and ChIP-sequencing.
Computational toolsBioinformatics resources and search tools, Sequence and structure databases, Sequence analysis– sequence file formats, scoring matrices, alignment, phylogeny, Genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, Gene prediction, Functional annotation, Secondary structure and 3D structure prediction, Knowledge discovery in Biochemical databases, Metagenomics, Metabolic Engineering, and Systems Biology.

GATE Biotechnology Exam Pattern 2025

The authority released the GATE BT exam pattern online. Candidates can check the GATE 2025 exam pattern for Biotechnology to know the marking scheme, duration of the test, types of questions, and more. GATE BT question paper comprises 65 questions for 100 marks. The question paper has two sections - General Aptitude and Core Subject. GATE BT exam duration is of three hours.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How can I prepare for GATE 2025 Biotechnology?

To prepare for GATE 2025 Biotechnology, candidates should focus on subject-specific preparation by using specialized books and practice materials.

2. What is the syllabus for GATE Biotechnology?

The core subjects of the GATE Biotechnology Syllabus 2025 include Plant, Animal, and Microbial Biotechnology; General Biology; Genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology; Fundamentals of Biological Engineering; Bioprocess Engineering and Process Biotechnology; Recombinant DNA Technology; and other tools in Biotechnology.

3. How many sections are there in GATE Biotech syllabus?

The syllabus of GATE Biotechnology 2025 consists of a total of seven sections, including Engineering Mathematics and core Biotechnology-related subjects.

4. What is the marking scheme for GATE syllabus biotechnology 2025?

In the GATE Biotechnology 2025 exam, questions carry either 1 mark or 2 marks.

5. What are the Major Topics Included in the GATE Biotechnology Syllabus?

The GATE Biotechnology Syllabus encompasses a range of subjects including Biochemistry, Microbiology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Immunology, Recombinant DNA Technology, Bioprocess Engineering, and more.

6. Where can I find the detailed GATE Biotechnology syllabus for 2025?

Aspirants can find the detailed GATE 2025 Biotechnology syllabus on the official website.


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Questions related to GATE

Have a question related to GATE ?

Your GATE 2025 Biomedical Engineering score of 24.33 falls below the expected qualifying marks for the General category, which is 25.  Qualifying marks are the minimum required to be considered for admission to postgraduate programs in institutions like the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). Therefore, with a score below this threshold, admission to IITs is unlikely.

You can explore other institutions which do offer MTech.


Congratulations on qualifying for GATE 2025 in the Computer Science (CS) category with a score of 255 and a rank of 47,000 under the SC category. Securing admission to Osmania University's M.Tech program in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) is highly competitive. While specific cutoff scores for the SC category are not readily available, historical data indicates that the general category cutoff has been significantly higher. For instance, in 2022, the cutoff GATE score for CSE was 750.

Given this context, obtaining admission with your current GATE score may be challenging. However, it's important to note that cutoffs can vary each year based on factors such as the number of applicants, seat availability, and overall performance. Therefore, I recommend:

1. Contacting Osmania University's Admissions Office : Reach out directly to inquire about the most recent cutoff scores and any specific considerations for SC category applicants.

2. Exploring Alternative Institutions : Consider applying to other universities or institutions where the cutoff scores may align more closely with your GATE performance.

3. Considering State-Level Entrance Exams : Look into state-level postgraduate engineering entrance exams, such as TS PGECET, which may have different eligibility criteria and could provide additional opportunities.

By broadening your search and considering various options, you can enhance your chances of securing admission to a suitable M.Tech program.

Hello Chintapalli,

To minimise fees while pursuing an online M.Tech at an IIT through GATE:

  • Ensure you meet the eligibility requirements and prepare for the GATE exam.

  • Explore financial assistance options like HTTA.

  • Consider applying for direct admission if you have a strong academic record.

Always check the specific IIT's official website for the most current information regarding admissions, fees, and deadlines.

Hello Arpita !

Based on previous years' cutoffs, securing admission in top NITs and IIITs might be challenging, as their cutoffs are generally higher. However, there are several other reputable institutions where your score may meet the eligibility criteria. Here are some options you might consider:

1. National Institutes of Technology (NITs):

  • NIT Silchar : Offers M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering. Previous cutoffs for OBC category have been around 368.

  • NIT Meghalaya : Provides M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering. Cutoffs for OBC category have been in the range of 400-450 in past years.

  • NIT Mizoram : Offers M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering. Previous OBC cutoffs have been around 400.

2. Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs):

  • IIIT Bhubaneswar: Provides M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering. Expected GATE cutoffs range from 420-530.

  • IIIT Pune : Offers M.Tech programs with expected GATE cutoffs around 400-500.

3. State Universities and Other Institutes:

  • University of Hyderabad: Offers M.Tech in Computer Science. Previous OBC cutoffs have been around 400.

  • Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Delhi: Provides M.Tech in Computer Science and Technology. Cutoffs for OBC category have been approximately 400-450 in past years.

  • Delhi Technological University (DTU): Offers M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering. Previous OBC cutoffs have been around 450.

  • Punjab Engineering College (PEC), Chandigarh: Provides M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering. OBC cutoffs have been in the range of 400-450.

Hope it helps !

Hello Ayush,

K.R. Mangalam University utilizes a blend of MCQs, descriptive formats, and practical assessments to evaluate student performance. The continuous evaluation system ensures that students are assessed regularly throughout the semester, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of their academic progress.

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Flight Attendant

A flight attendant is a professional whose primary duty is to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers during an airline flight. An individual who is pursuing a career as a flight attendant is part of the cabin crew for the plane, a team of personnel who operate a commercial, business, or even military aircraft while travelling domestically or internationally. 

An individual pursuing a career as a flight attendant is specially trained for the aircraft in which he or she works since passenger safety is their foremost concern. In this article, we will discuss how to become a flight attendant in India or how to become a flight attendant after graduation. 

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Aerospace Engineer

An aerospace engineer is an individual who develops new ideas and technologies that can be used in defence systems, aviation, and spacecraft. He or she not only designs aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, and missiles but also creates test vehicles to ensure optimum functionality. Aerospace engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the study, design, and development of aerial vehicles such as aircraft and spacecraft. 

Aerospace engineering jobs deal with employees who design or build missiles and aircraft for national defence, or spacecraft. Aerospace engineering or aircraft engineering is often referred to as rocket science. The bottom line is that the person who is pursuing a career in aerospace engineering has to deal with multiple teams at different levels and work across various technologies.

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Flight Engineer

A career in the aviation industry always sounds exciting. But, there is no scope for the slightest error as it may cost the lives of many people. A Flight Engineer role comes with the responsibility of monitoring the aircraft engine and control systems while in flight. Whenever the aircraft is away from the home station, he or she is required to perform pre-flight and post-flight inspections

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Aircrew officer

An aircrew officer or airline commanders fly aircraft to provide transportation to passengers or cargo. The aircrew officer operates the engines of aircraft and controls to navigate and fly the airplane. The ability to learn new technologies every time and to stay up-to-date with the changes in the industry is what the aircrew officer should possess. 

This could be possible through membership with professional pilot associations. The aircrew officer is also one of the highest-paid professionals and the job is quite coveted. Keep reading to find out what you need to know about how to become aircrew officer.

You may also read career as Airline Pilot.

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Air Hostess

An air hostess is a flight attendant also known as a cabin crew or steward. An air hostess undertakes several pre-flight, in-flight, and post-flight duties and is responsible for ensuring the safety and comfort of passengers on both national and international flights.  A career as an air hostess might be desirable for you if you are excited about a job in which you can help people and travel to exciting places.

Air hostesses play a crucial role in the flight crew, working closely with pilots and ground personnel to provide a safe and comfortable travel experience, even beyond their hospitality responsibilities. Being flexible, having strong communication skills, and being dedicated to the comfort of passengers are all necessary for their dynamic function, which makes them essential to the entire travel experience.

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Aeronautical Engineer

An Aeronautical Engineer job comes with the responsibility of designing aircraft and thrust systems. He or she is employed in aviation, defence or civil aviation industries. Aeronautical Engineer is generally engaged in the design of aircraft and propulsion systems as well as the analysis of building materials and aircraft's aerodynamic performance. The role of an Aeronautical Engineer may involve assembling parts of aircraft, testing and maintaining them. 

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Safety Manager

A Safety Manager is a professional responsible for employee’s safety at work. He or she plans, implements and oversees the company’s employee safety. A Safety Manager ensures compliance and adherence to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) guidelines.

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Airline Pilot

Are you searching for an 'airline pilot job description'? An airline pilot or airline commander flies aircraft and helicopters to provide transportation to passengers or cargo. The airline pilot operates the engines of the aircraft and controls them to navigate and fly the airplane. The ability to learn new technologies every time and to stay up-to-date with the changes in the industry is what aviators should possess. The career as airline pilot is also one of the highest-paid professionals and the job is quite coveted.

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Welding Engineer

Welding Engineer Job Description: A Welding Engineer work involves managing welding projects and supervising welding teams. He or she is responsible for reviewing welding procedures, processes and documentation. A career as Welding Engineer involves conducting failure analyses and causes on welding issues. 

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Transportation Planner

A career as Transportation Planner requires technical application of science and technology in engineering, particularly the concepts, equipment and technologies involved in the production of products and services. In fields like land use, infrastructure review, ecological standards and street design, he or she considers issues of health, environment and performance. A Transportation Planner assigns resources for implementing and designing programmes. He or she is responsible for assessing needs, preparing plans and forecasts and compliance with regulations.

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Environmental Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as an environmental engineer are construction professionals who utilise the skills and knowledge of biology, soil science, chemistry and the concept of engineering to design and develop projects that serve as solutions to various environmental problems. 

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Safety Manager

A Safety Manager is a professional responsible for employee’s safety at work. He or she plans, implements and oversees the company’s employee safety. A Safety Manager ensures compliance and adherence to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) guidelines.

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Conservation Architect

A Conservation Architect is a professional responsible for conserving and restoring buildings or monuments having a historic value. He or she applies techniques to document and stabilise the object’s state without any further damage. A Conservation Architect restores the monuments and heritage buildings to bring them back to their original state.

2 Jobs Available
Structural Engineer

A Structural Engineer designs buildings, bridges, and other related structures. He or she analyzes the structures and makes sure the structures are strong enough to be used by the people. A career as a Structural Engineer requires working in the construction process. It comes under the civil engineering discipline. A Structure Engineer creates structural models with the help of computer-aided design software. 

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Highway Engineer

Highway Engineer Job Description: A Highway Engineer is a civil engineer who specialises in planning and building thousands of miles of roads that support connectivity and allow transportation across the country. He or she ensures that traffic management schemes are effectively planned concerning economic sustainability and successful implementation.

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Field Surveyor

Are you searching for a Field Surveyor Job Description? A Field Surveyor is a professional responsible for conducting field surveys for various places or geographical conditions. He or she collects the required data and information as per the instructions given by senior officials. 

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Geothermal Engineer

Individuals who opt for a career as geothermal engineers are the professionals involved in the processing of geothermal energy. The responsibilities of geothermal engineers may vary depending on the workplace location. Those who work in fields design facilities to process and distribute geothermal energy. They oversee the functioning of machinery used in the field.

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A geologist attempts to comprehend the historical backdrop of the planet we live on, all the more likely to anticipate the future and clarify current events. He or she analyses the components, deployments, results, physical characteristics, and past of the planet. A geologist examines the landforms and landscapes of the earth in relation to the geology, climatic, and human processes that have shaped them. 

A geologist studies earth procedures, for example, seismic tremors, avalanches, floods, and volcanic eruptions to review land and draw up safe structure plans. When he or she researches earth materials, explores metals and minerals, yet in addition search for oil, petroleum gas, water, and strategies to extricate these. 

2 Jobs Available
Energy Performance Engineer

Energy efficiency engineering is a broad field of engineering which deals with energy efficiency, energy services, facility management, plant engineering, and sustainable energy resources. Energy efficiency engineering is one of the most recent engineering disciplines to emerge. The field combines the knowledge and understanding of physics, chemistry, and mathematics, with economic and environmental engineering practices. The main job of individuals who opt for a career as an energy performance engineer is to find the most efficient and sustainable path to operate buildings and manufacturing processes. 

Individuals who opt for a career as energy performance engineers apply their understanding and knowledge to increase efficiency and further develop renewable sources of energy. The energy efficiency engineers also examine the use of energy in those procedures and suggest the ways in which systems can be improved.

2 Jobs Available
Petroleum Engineer

A career as a Petroleum engineer is concerned with activities related to producing petroleum. These products can be in the form of either crude oil or natural gas. Petroleum engineering also requires the exploration and refinement of petroleum resources. Therefore, a career as a petroleum engineer comes up with oil and gas onshore jobs. There are also desk jobs in the petroleum industry. In layman’s terms, a petroleum engineer is a person who finds the best way to drill and extract oil from oil wells. Individuals who opt for a career as petroleum engineer also tries to find new ways to extract oil in an efficient manner.

2 Jobs Available
Transportation Planner

A career as Transportation Planner requires technical application of science and technology in engineering, particularly the concepts, equipment and technologies involved in the production of products and services. In fields like land use, infrastructure review, ecological standards and street design, he or she considers issues of health, environment and performance. A Transportation Planner assigns resources for implementing and designing programmes. He or she is responsible for assessing needs, preparing plans and forecasts and compliance with regulations.

3 Jobs Available
Civil Engineer

A career as a civil engineer is of great importance for the infrastructural growth of the country. It is one of the most popular professions and there is great professional as well as personal growth in this civil engineering career path. There is job satisfaction in this civil engineering career path, but it also comes with a lot of stress, as there are multiple projects that need to be handled and have to be completed on time. Students should pursue physics, chemistry and mathematics in their 10+2 to become civil engineers. 

2 Jobs Available
Transportation Engineer

A career as a Transportation Engineer is someone who takes care of people's safety. He or she is responsible for designing, planning and constructing a safe and secure transportation system. The transportation sector has seen a huge transformation and is growing day by day and improving every day. 

As a Transport Engineer, he or she needs to solve complex problems such as accidents, costs, traffic flow, and statistics. A Transport Engineer also collaborates for projects with some other companies. 

1 Jobs Available
Loco Pilot

A loco pilot or locomotive pilot is a professional responsible for operating trains. He or she starts, stops, or controls the speed of the train. A locomotive pilot ensures that the train operates according to time schedules and signals. These loco pilots are responsible for carrying people and products to distinct destinations. 

A loco pilot has thorough knowledge and understanding of the railway operations, rules, regulations, protocols, and measures to take in times of emergency. Their role is crucial in ensuring passenger and freight trains' smooth and safe operation. Here, in this article, we will discuss everything on how to how to become a loco pilot.

2 Jobs Available
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