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JEE Main Eligibility Criteria 2025- Marks in Class 12th, Age Limit

Multiplication Of Vectors - Practice Questions & MCQ

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 18, 2023 18:34 AM | #JEE Main

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If \vec{a},\; \vec{b} are unit vectors such that (\vec{a}+\vec{b}).[( 2\vec{a}+3\vec{b} )\times ( 3\vec{a}-2\vec{b})\;]=0,  then angle between  \vec{a} \; and\; \; \vec{b} is -

If \left| {{{\vec{A}}}_{1}} \right|=3,\left| {{{\vec{A}}}_{2}} \right|=5\And \left| {{{\vec{A}}}_{1}}+{{{\vec{A}}}_{2}} \right|=5. The value of (2{{\vec{A}}_{1}}+3{{\vec{A}}_{2}}).(3{{\vec{A}}_{1}}-2{{\vec{A}}_{2}}) is

If ,\vec{A}=3\hat{i}+4\hat{j}\And \vec{B}=7\hat{i}+24\hat{j}, then the vector having the same magnitude as B and parallel to A is,

Concepts Covered - 1



A vector having magnitude of one unit is called unit vector. It is represented by a cap/hat over the letter. Eg-\hat{R} is called as unit vector of \vec{R}. Its direction is along the \vec{R} and magnitude is unit.

Unit vector along  \vec{R}-

\hat{R}=\frac{\vec{R}}{\left | \vec{R} \right |}


It is defined as the unit vectors described under the three-dimensional coordinate system along x, y, and z axis. The three unit vectors are denoted by i, j and k respectively.

Any vector (Let us say \vec{R}) can be written as-

\vec{R}= x\hat{i}+y\hat{j}+z\hat{k}

Where x, y and z are components of \vec{R} along x, y and z direction respectivly.

Magnitude of \vec{R}-

\left | \vec{R} \right |=\sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2}}

Unit vector-


  1. If a vector is multiplied by any scalar

\vec{Z}= n\cdot \vec{Y}


Vector \timesScalar= Vector

We get again a vector.

2. If a vector is multiplied by any real number (eg 2 or -2)  then again, we get a vector quantity.


  • If \vec{A} is multiplied by 2 then the direction of the resultant vector is the same as that of the given vector.

             Vector =2\vec{A}

  •  If \vec{A} is multiplied by (-2), then the direction of the resultant is opposite to that of the given vector.

               Vector =-2\vec{A}

  1. Scalar  or Dot or Inner Product

  • Scalar product of two vector \vec{A} & \vec{B} written as \vec{A} \cdot \vec{B} 

  • \vec{A} \cdot \vec{B} is a scalar quantity given by the product of the magnitude of\vec{A} & \vec{B} and the cosine of a smaller angle between them.

      \vec{A}\cdot \vec{B}= A\, B\cdot \cos \Theta 


       Figure showing the representation of scalar products of vectors.

Important results-

\hat{i}.\hat{j}=\hat{j}.\hat{k}=\hat{k}.\hat{i}=0\\ \hat{i}.\hat{i}=\hat{j}.\hat{j}=\hat{k}.\hat{k}= 1


  1. Vector or cross product

  • Vector or cross product of two vectors  \vec{A} & \vec{B} written as\vec A \times \vec B

  • A\times B is a single vector whose magnitude is equal to the product of the magnitude of \vec{A} & \vec{B} and the sine of the smaller angle \theta  between them.

  • \vec A\times \vec B= A\, B\sin \theta


     The figure shows the representation of the cross product of vectors.

Important results-

  \hat{i}\times \hat{j}=\hat{k},\ \hat{j}\times \hat{k}=\hat{i},\ \hat{k}\times \hat{i}=\hat{j}\\ \hat{i}\times \hat{i}=\hat{j}\times \hat{j}=\hat{k}\times \hat{k}= \vec{0}

\vec{A}\times \vec{B}=-\vec{B}\times \vec{A}

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