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Mayer's Formula - Practice Questions & MCQ

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 18, 2023 18:34 AM | #JEE Main

Quick Facts

  • Mayer's formula is considered one the most difficult concept.

  • 38 Questions around this concept.

Solve by difficulty

An ideal gas has molecules with 5 degrees of freedom.  The ratio of specific heat at constant pressure ( C_p) and at constant volume ( C_v) is :

According to the law of equipartition of energy, the molar specific heat of a diatomic gas at a constant volume where the molecule has one additional vibrational mode is

The correct relation between \mathrm{\gamma =\frac{c_{p}}{c_{v}}}  and temperature \mathrm{T}  is :

Concepts Covered - 1

Mayer's formula
  • - Mayer's formula- As we know

    Molar Specific heat of the gas at constant volume $=C_v$
    and Molar Specific heat capacity at constant pressure $=C_p$
    Mayer's formula gives the relation between $C_p$ and $C_v$ as $C_p=C_v+R$
    or we can say that molar Mayer's formula shows that specific heat at constant pressure is greater than that at constant volume.
    - Specific Heat in Terms of Degree of Freedom
    1.Molar Specific heat of the gas at constant volume $\left(C_v\right)$

    For a gas at temperature $T$, the internal energy
    $U=\frac{f}{2} n R T \Rightarrow$ Change in energy $\Delta U=\frac{f}{2} n R \Delta T \ldots$
    Also, as we know for any gas heat supplied at constant volume

    (\Delta Q)_V=n C_V \Delta T=\Delta U \ldots \ldots(i i)

    From the equation (i) and (ii)

    C_v=\frac{f R}{2}


f = degree of freedom

R= Universal gas constant

2. Molar Specific heat of the gas at constant pressure ( $C_p$ )

From Mayer's formula, we know that $C_p=C_v+R$

\Rightarrow C_P=C_V+R=\frac{f}{2} R+R=\left(\frac{f}{2}+1\right) R

3. Atomicity or adiabatic coefficient ( ${ }^{\prime}$ )

It is the ratio of $C_p$ to $C_v$


Value of $\gamma$ is always more than 1
for Monoatomic gas


for Diatomic gas


for Triatomic gas


  •  Gaseous Mixture

If two non-reactive gases A and B are enclosed in a vessel of volume V .
In the mixture $\mathrm{n}_1$ mole of Gas A (having Specific capacities as $C_{p 1}$ and $C_{v 1}$, Degree of freedom $f_1$ and Molar mass as $M_1$ ) is mixed with $\mathrm{n}_2$ mole of Gas B (having Specific capacities as $C_{p 2}$ and $C_{v 2}$, Degree of freedom $f_2$ and Molar mass as $M_2$ )

Then Specific heat of the mixture at constant volume will be

C_{v_{m i x}}=\frac{n_1 C_{v_1}+n_2 C_{v_2}}{n_1+n_2}

Similarly, Specific heat of the mixture at constant pressure will be

C_{p_{m i x}}=\frac{n_1 C_{p_1}+n_2 C_{p_2}}{n_1+n_2}

And adiabatic coefficient $(\gamma)$ of the mixture is given by

\gamma_{\text {mixure }}=\frac{C_{p_{m i x}}}{C_{v_{m x}}}=\frac{\frac{\left(n_1 C_{p_1}+n_2 C_{p_2}\right)}{n_1+n_2}}{\frac{\left(n_1 C_{v_1}+n_2 C_{v_2}\right)}{n_1+n_2}}=\frac{\left(n_1 C_{p_1}+n_2 C_{p_2}\right)}{\left(n_1 C_{v_1}+n_2 C_{v_2}\right)}



Similarly, the Degree of freedom of mixture is given as

f_{\operatorname{mix}}=\frac{n_1 f_1+n_2 f_2}{n_1+n_2}

Similarly, the molar mass of the mixture

M_{m i x}=\frac{n_1 M_1+n_2 M_2}{n_1+n_2}


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Mayer's formula

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Mayer's formula

Physics Part II Textbook for Class XI

Page No. : 329

Line : 4

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