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Real Depth And Apparent Depth - Practice Questions & MCQ

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 18, 2023 18:34 AM | #JEE Main

Quick Facts

  • Real depth and Apparent depth is considered one the most difficult concept.

  • 26 Questions around this concept.

Solve by difficulty

At the bottom of a tank having liquid with refractive index, 'm' is a plane mirror. A small object 'M' is situated at a height 'd' above the mirror. Object ' M ' and its image in the mirror are visible to an observer who is 'O' vertically above M outside the liquid. The object 'M' and its image will appear to be separated by how much distance?

Concepts Covered - 1

Real depth and Apparent depth

Real depth and Apparent depth

Case 1.  When object is in denser medium and observer is in rarer medium.

If object and observer are situated in different medium then due to refraction, object appears to be displaced from it's real position.

Here O is the real position of the object and O' is the apparent position of the object as seen by the observer. 'h' is the real depth of the object from the surface of the water and  h' is the apparent depth of the object.  \mu_2 is the density of the medium where the object is placed.  \mu_1 is the density of the rarer medium.

μ2μ1= Real depth  Apparent depth =hh

Therefore Real depth > Apparent depth.

Apparent shift:


Case 2.  Object is in rarer medium and observer is in denser medium.

μ2μ1= Apparent depth  Real depth =hh

Therefore apparent depth > real depth.
Apparent shift:



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Real depth and Apparent depth

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