JEE Main Session 2 Admit Card Release Date 2025 - Latest Updates

Relation Between Electric Field And Potential - Practice Questions & MCQ

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 18, 2023 18:34 AM | #JEE Main

Quick Facts

  • Relation between electric field and potential is considered one of the most asked concept.

  • 54 Questions around this concept.

Solve by difficulty

Assume that an electric field \vec{E} = 30 x^{2} \hat{i} exists in space.  Then the potential difference VA - VO, where VO is the potential at the origin and VA the potential at x=2 m is :

 An electric field is given byE _x = - 2 x^3 kN/C. The potential of the point (1, –2), if potential of the point (2, 4) is taken as zero, is 

Two plates are 2 cm apart, a potential difference of 10 volts is applied between them, then the electric field between the plates is:

If potential $V=-5 x+3 y+\sqrt{15} z$, then electric field $\mathrm{E}(\mathrm{x}, \mathrm{y}, \mathrm{z})$ is:

Consider a uniform electric field in the $\hat{z}$ direction. The potential is a constant

a) in all space

b) on the x-y plane for a given z

c) for any y for a given z

d) for any x for a given z

Concepts Covered - 1

Relation between electric field and potential

Electric field and potential are related as

\vec{E}=-\frac{d V}{d r}

Where E is Electric field
And V is Electric potential
And $r$ is the position vector
And Negative sign indicates that in the direction of intensity the potential decreases.
If $\vec{r}=x \vec{i}+y \vec{j}+z \vec{k}$

Then $E_x=\frac{\delta V}{d x}, E_y=\frac{\delta V}{d y}, E_z=\frac{\delta V}{d z}$

E_x & =-\frac{\partial V}{d x} \quad \text { (partial derivative of } \mathrm{V} \text { w.r.t. x) } \\
E_y & =-\frac{\partial V}{d y} \quad \text { (partial derivative of } \mathrm{V} \text { w.r.t. y) } \\
E_z & =-\frac{\partial V}{d z} \quad \text { (partial derivative of } \mathrm{V} \text { w.r.t. z) }

Let the Electric field at a point $r$ due to a given mass distribution is $E$.
If a test charge $q$ is placed inside a uniform Electric field $E$.
Then force on a charged particle q when it is at r is $\vec{F}=q \vec{E}$ as shown in figure



As the particle is displaced from r to r + dr the

work done by the Electric force on it is


d W=\vec{F} \cdot \vec{r}=q \vec{E} \cdot d \vec{r}

Electric potential V is defined as the negative of work done by electric force per unit charge

d V=-\frac{d W}{q}

So Integrating between $r_1$, and $r_2$

We get

V\left(\overrightarrow{r_2}\right)-V\left(\overrightarrow{r_1}\right)=\int_{r_1}^{r_2}-\vec{E} \cdot d \vec{r}

If $r_1=r_0$, is taken at the reference point, $\mathrm{V}\left(\mathrm{r}_0\right)=0$.
Then the potential $V\left(r_2=r\right)$ at any point $r$ is

V(\vec{r})=\int_{r_0}^r-\vec{E} \cdot d \vec{r}

in Cartesian coordinates, we can write

\vec{E}=E_x \vec{i}+E_y \vec{j}+E_z \vec{k}

If $\vec{r}=x \vec{i}+y \vec{j}+z \vec{k}$
Then $d \vec{r}=d x \vec{i}+d y \vec{j}+d z \vec{k}$

\vec{E} \cdot d \vec{r}=-d V=E_x d x+E_y d y+E_z d z \\
d V=-E_x d x-E_y d y-E_z d z

If y and z remain constant, $\mathrm{dy}=\mathrm{dz}=0$

{ }_{\text {Thus }} E_x=\frac{d V}{d x}


E_y=\frac{d V}{d y}, E_z=\frac{d V}{d z}

- When an electric field is a uniform (constant)

As Electric field and potential are related as

d V=\int_{r_0}^r-\vec{E} \cdot d \vec{r}

and $\mathrm{E}=$ constant then

d V=-\vec{E} \int_{r_0}^r d \vec{r}=-\vec{E} d r

- If at any region $\mathrm{E}=0$ then $\mathrm{V}=$ constant
- If $\mathrm{V}=0$ then E may or may not be zero.

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Relation between electric field and potential

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