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To Compare EMF Of Two Given Primary Cells Using Potentiometer - Practice Questions & MCQ

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 18, 2023 18:34 AM | #JEE Main

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  • To compare emf of two given primary cells using potentiometer is considered one of the most asked concept.

  • 7 Questions around this concept.

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A potentiometer wire of length 10 m and resistance $20 \Omega$ is connected in series with a 25 V battery and an external resistance $30 \Omega$. A cell of emf $E$ in secondary circuit is balanced by 250 cm long potentiometer wire. The value of E in (volt) is $\frac{x}{10}$. The value of x is

A potentiometer experiment is performed to compare the electromotive forces (EMFs) of two primary cells, Cell X and Cell Y. The potentiometer wire has a total length of 120 cm. When Cell X is connected to the potentiometer, the null point is found at a length of 72 cm. When Cell Y is connected instead of Cell X, the null point is found at a length of 90 cm. Given that the EMF of Cell X is 1.5V, calculate the EMF of Cell Y.

Two primary cells, Cell A and Cell B, are to be compared in terms of their electromotive force (emf). A potentiometer experiment is set up for this purpose. The emf of Cell A is found to be 1.5 V. Calculate the emf of Cell B if the balancing length of the potentiometer wire is 400 cm for Cell A and 320 cm for Cell B.

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A potentiometer experiment is conducted to compare the emf of two primary cells, Cell X and Cell Y. The length of the potentiometer wire is 800 cm. Cell X is connected to the potentiometer and its balancing length is found to be 600 cm. When Cell Y is connected to the potentiometer, the balancing length becomes 480 cm. Determine the emf of Cell Y if the emf of Cell X is 1.8 V.

An experiment is conducted to compare the emf of two cells using a potentiometer. A primary cell and a secondary cell are connected in series through a potentiometer wire of length L = 100 cm. The balancing length for the primary cell is L1 = 40 cm, and for the secondary cell, it is L2 = 60 cm. If the internal resistance of the potentiometer is negligible, calculate the ratio of the emf (\epsilon_{1} / \epsilon_{2}) of the two cells.

In a given potentiometer circuit, cell $E_1$ is balanced at length $\ell_1$ and cell $E_2$ is balanced at length $\ell_2$.

a. If only E increases then $\ell_1, \ell_2$ decreases but $\frac{\ell_1}{\ell_2}$ remains the same
b. If only E increases then $\ell_1, \ell_2$ increases but $\frac{\ell_1}{\ell_2}$ decreases
c. If $R_h$ increases then $\ell_1, \ell_2, \frac{\ell_1}{\ell_2}$ increases
d. ${ }{\text {If }} R_h$ increases then $\ell_1, \ell_2$ increases but $\frac{\ell_1}{\ell_2}$ remains the same

Concepts Covered - 1

To compare emf of two given primary cells using potentiometer

To compare the EMF of two given primary cells using the potentiometer.

Potentiometer, a Leclanche cell, a Daniel cell, an ammeter, a voltmeter, a galvanometer, a battery (or battery
eliminator), a rheostat of low resistance, a resistance box, a one-way key, a two-way key, a jockey, a set
square, connecting wires and a piece of sandpaper.



where, $\mathrm{E}_1$ and $\mathrm{E}_2$ are the e.m.f. of two given cells and $\mathrm{l}_1$ and $\mathrm{l}_2$ are the corresponding balancing lengths on potentiometer wire.

Circuit Diagram-




1. Arrange the apparatus as shown in the circuit diagram figure.
2. Remove the insulation from the ends of the connecting copper wires with sandpaper.

3. Measure the e.m.f. (E) of the battery and the e.m.fs. (E1, and  E2 ) of the cells. See that
 E>E1 and also  E>E2 .
4. Connect the positive pole of the battery (a battery of constant e.m.f.) to the zero end (P) of the potentiometer and the negative pole through a one-way key, an ammeter, and a low resistance rheostat to the other end (Q) of the potentiometer.

5. Connect the positive poles of the cells E1 and  E2  to the terminal at the zero end (P)
and the negative poles to the terminals a and b of the two way key.
6. Connect the common terminal c of the two-way key through a galvanometer (G) and
a resistance box (R.B.) to the jockey J.

7. Take maximum current from the battery making rheostat resistance zero.

8. Insert the plug in the one-way key (K) in the circuit and also in between the terminals a
and c of the two-way.
9. Take out a 2000 ohms plug from the resistance box (R.B).
10. Press the jockey at the zero end and note the direction of deflection in the galvanometer.

11. Press the jockey at the other end of the potentiometer wire. If the direction of
deflection is opposite to that in the first case, the connections are correct. (If the
deflection is in the same direction then either connection are wrong or e.m.f. of the
auxiliary battery is less).
12. Slide the jockey gently over the potentiometer wires till you obtain a point where
the galvanometer shows no deflection.

13. Put the 2000 ohms plug back in the resistance box and obtain the null point position
accurately, using a set square.
14. Note the length  l_1 of the wire for the cell  E1  Also note the current as indicated by the
15. Disconnect the cell E1  by removing the plug from gap ac of two-way key and
connect the cell  E2 by inserting plug into gap be of two-way key.

16. Take out a 2000 ohms plug from resistance box R.B. and slide the jockey along
potentiometer wire so as to obtain no deflection position.
17. Put the 2000 ohms plug back in the resistance box and obtain an accurate position of
null point for the second cell E2.
18. Note the length  l_2  of wire in this position for the cell E2 . However, make sure that
ammeter reading is the same as in step 14.

19. Repeat the observations alternately for each cell again for the same value of current.
20. Increase the current by adjusting the rheostat and obtain at least three sets of
observations in a similar way.
21. Record your observations and on the basis of observations  compare emf of two given primary cells

1. Range of voltmeter $=\ldots$.

Least count of voltmeter $=\ldots$.
E.M.F. of battery (or battery eliminator),
E.M.F. of Leclanche cell,

& E=\ldots \ldots \\
& E_1=\ldots \ldots \\
& E_2=\ldots \ldots

E.M.F. of Daniel cell,

1. For each observation find mean $l_1$ and mean $l_2$

& \frac{E_1}{E_2} \text { for eac } \\
& \frac{E_1}{E_2}

The ratio of E.M.Fs, $\frac{E_1}{E_2} \cong \ldots \ldots$

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To compare emf of two given primary cells using potentiometer

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