JEE Main Exam Centre Allotment 2025 Session 2 (Out) - Check Exam City with Centre Code

Electric Conductivity - Practice Questions & MCQ

Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 18, 2023 18:34 AM | #JEE Main

Quick Facts

  • Electric Conductivity is considered one the most difficult concept.

  • 22 Questions around this concept.

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As temperature is increased in a semiconductor, the number of holes or electron:

The conductivity of a semiconductor increases with increase in temperature because

Concepts Covered - 1

Electric Conductivity

 Electrical Conductivity (σ)-

The semiconductor conducts electricity with the help of these two types of electricity or charge carriers (i.e electrons and holes).

These holes and electrons move in the opposite direction. The electrons always tend to move in opposite direction to the applied electric field.

Let the mobility of the hole in the crystal is μh and the mobility of electron in the same crystal is μe

The current density due to drift of holes is given by,

J_h=e n_h v_h=e n_h \mu_h E

And The current density due to the drift of electrons is given by,

J_e=\mathrm{en}_{\mathrm{e}} \mathrm{v}_e=\mathrm{en}_{\mathrm{e}} \mu_e E

hence resultant current density would be

& J=J_h+J_e=e n_h v_h+e n_e v_e=e n_h \mu_h E+e n_e \mu_e E=\left(n_h \mu_h+n_e \mu_e\right) e E \\
& \text { and } J=\sigma E

So, the general equation for conductivity is given as

\sigma=e\left(n_e \mu_e+n_h \mu_h\right)

$n_e=$ electron density
$n_h=$ hole density
$\mu_e=$ mobility of electron
$\mu_h=$ mobility of holes
For intrinsic semiconductors (no impurities)-
As the number of electrons will be equal to the number of holes.
i.e $n_e=n_h=n_i$

\sigma=n_i e\left(\mu_e+\mu_h\right)

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Electric Conductivity

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