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Edited By admin | Updated on Sep 18, 2023 18:34 AM | #JEE Main

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  • Orbital Velocity of Satellite is considered one the most difficult concept.

  • 20 Questions around this concept.

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An astronaut of mass m is working on a satellite orbiting the earth at a distance h from the earth’s surface.  The radius of the earth is R, while its mass is M.  The gravitational pull FG on the astronaut is :

A satellite of mass  m revolves around the earth of  radius R  at a height  x  from its surface .If    g   is the  acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the  earth, the orbital speed of the satellite is

If suddenly the gravitational force of attraction  between Earth and a satellite revolving around it becomes zero, then the satellite will :

Concepts Covered - 1

Orbital Velocity of Satellite

Orbital velocity of a satellite is the velocity which is required to put the satellite into its orbit around the earth.

For the revolution of a satellite around the earth, there must be a centripetal force for the circular motion to happen.

The gravitational force which acts towards the center is providing the required centripetal force,

i.e F_c=F_G

       Where    Centrifugal force,F_c= \frac{mv^2}{r}

Gravitational force,  F_G=\frac{GMm}{r^2};
So on equating we get 

        {\frac{m v^{2}}{r}=\frac{G M m}{r^{2}}} \\ {v=\sqrt{\frac{G M}{r}}}


r\rightarrow Position of satellite from the centre of earth

v\rightarrow Orbital velocity

  •  If r=(R+h) where R is the radius of the earth


             {v=\sqrt{\frac{g R^{2}}{R+h}}=R \sqrt{\frac{g}{R+h}} \quad\left[\text { As } G M=g R^{2} \text { and } r=R+h\right]}

  • Dependence of Orbital velocity

              1. Orbital velocity is independent of the mass of satellite and is always along the tangent of the orbit.

               2.It depends upon the mass of the central body and radius of orbit

                     means, Greater the value of radius of orbit, less be the orbital velocity                    

  • If satellite is close to the earth’s surface,

                  As    h<<<R or h\approx 0

                  and  using  GM=gR^{2}

So   V=\sqrt{\frac{GM}{R}}=\sqrt{gR}

V=\sqrt{9.8\times 6.4\times 10^{6}}

=7.9\ km/s\; \simeq 8 \ km/s


V\rightarrow Orbital velocity

g\rightarrow9.8 \ m/s^{2}

R\rightarrow Radius of Earth             

  • Angular momentum of satellite



L= Angular momentum

m\rightarrow mass of satellite

v\rightarrow Orbital velocity of the satellite

  • Relation of escape velocity and orbital velocity

           we know that V_e=\sqrt \frac{2GM}{R};

          and      V=\sqrt{\frac{GM}{R}}

                \Rightarrow V=\frac{V_e}{\sqrt2}


V\rightarrow Orbital velocity

V_{e}\rightarrow Escape velocity

               or    V_{escape}= \sqrt{2}V_{orbital}           

Or we can say that

If the speed of satellite is made {\sqrt2}  times the original speed, then it will escape from the gravitational pull of the earth. 

  •  Shape of orbit of satellite

If   0<V<v_{o} , then satellite does not remain in it's circular path rather it traces a spiral path and falls on earth

V=v_{o}     Satellite revolves in circular path

V=v_{e}     satellite move along the parabolic path and will escape from gravitational pull.

V>v_{e}    satellite will escape but now the of motion will be hyperbolic.


    V= velocity of body

     v_o   - orbital velocity of a body

     v_e  -   escape velocity of a body


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Orbital Velocity of Satellite

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