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Galgotias Engineering Entrance Examination

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Is GEEE exam for Galgotias college or for University?

Shubham Dhane 24th Mar, 2022


The Galgotias University conducts the Galgotias Engineering Entrance Examination (GEEE) for admission into the B.Tech programmes offered by the University. The authorities have released the GEEE application form 2022 at the official website -  Keep an eye on the official website or the link below for the latest information. Based on the GEEE result 2022, candidates will be called to participate in the counselling process. Finally, the seat allotment of GEEE will be conducted on the basis of candidates' scores in the entrance exam and choice of courses filled by them during application submission.


I want to whether GEEE is meant for Galgotia University or is meant for Galgotia college of engineering and technology?

aswathypadinjakkara 1st Oct, 2021


Galgotias Engineering Entrance Examination, commonly known as GEEE.

It is conducted for admission into the B.Tech programmes offered by the University.Candidates seeking admission have to fill and submit the GEEE 2021 application form in online mode.

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