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Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research Aptitude Test

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What is expected marks*(estimation) in iiser aptitude test to get admission in iiser pune category is obc.

snehal bhise 24th Jan, 2019

IISER 2019 merit list is prepared separately for candidates who have applied through JEE Advanced 2019, KVPY and IISER 2019 Aptitude Test. 50% seats are reserved for candidates taking admission through IISER entrance examination. The cutoff marks for each course is different. Thus, candidates must be careful while checking the IISER cutoff list for a particular course.

IISER aptitude test carries total 180 marks.

IISER Aptitude Test 2018 cutoff was 77.9% i.e. 140.22

For SCB channel i.e. IISER aptitude test, 5% cut off relaxation is provided to OBC (NCL), SC, ST, KM & PD categories.

For all the details regarding IISER 2019, follow link given below.


What is the pattern of IISER aptitude test?

Nazneen Tabish 21st Jan, 2019

The aptitude test of IISER will be conducted for the aspiring candidates who will opt for Admissions through SCB board. Apart from IISER admission aptitude test, the candidates can also opt for IISER Admissions through KVPY and JEE Advanced .


Number of Questions




The question paper of the aptitude test of IISER  has three sections – Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

The question paper of aptitude test will be of total 3 hours (180 minutes).

The sectional weightage of IISER Admissions  includes 15 questions each from Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

3 marks will be awarded for each correct answer option, while no negative mark will be awarded for incorrect answers.


Biology is compulsory For iiser

Rupali Singh 20th Jan, 2019

Yes, biology is compulsory for Iiser. Number of question asked from biology would be 14 with maximum marks if 45.

For more details about the exam please visit the following link


Can u provide me information about BS-MS program of IISER and how can i get admission in an IISER college

PERIYA NAYAKI P 12th Jan, 2019

hello ,

BS-MS is the flagship program offered by all IISER's.the following link will lead you to the official webpage of iiser - mohali.please refer it for the detailed information:


i suggest you to go through an article,using given link:


this will give you all details of IISER admission 2019.

all the best!

note:if any links are available,copy it and paste in the url of your browser.

I Hope this information will be useful to you.

if you need additional information,let us know to help you.

Thank you!!!:)


will i get admission in IISER if pass jee main examination

PERIYA NAYAKI P 8th Jan, 2019

hello devika sivakumar,

the IISER admission process will be conducted through three channels,

  • KVPY
  • SCB
  • JEE

the admission process will be expected around last week of may 2019.the candidates who opted for SCB channels should take the aptitude test before admission.other two channels candidates can take direct admission.

please refer this link to know more,


copy above link and paste it in the url bar of your browser.

all the best!

I Hope this information will be useful to you.

if you need additional information,let us know to help you.

Thank you!!!:)


Can 11th PCMB student give this exam

PERIYA NAYAKI P 28th Nov, 2018

hello rahul,

yes,PCM Students can go for IISER admissions.because that admissions wil be conducted through JEE advanced,KVPY,SCB can take jee mains exam to get qualify for jee advanced.

please refer following links for your reference:


I Hope this information will be useful to you.

if you need additional information,let us know to help you.

Thank you!!!:)


Which exam is qualified . then give this college

Dr Atul Sharma 27th Nov, 2018


Sorry to say..  But I'm unable to know about your queries about which college and which exam.. Your are asking about which college and exams. Please explain your question 



can i get admission to civil BE through jee main or advance

Pallavi 25th Nov, 2018
Yes you can through JEE mains you can take admission in various nits and through advance you can take admission in iits in iiit also you can take admission through JEE mains

Can a student from PCB group give this exam?

PERIYA NAYAKI P 18th Nov, 2018

hello sanjeeta,

yes , definitely you can give IISER but you can apply among JEE,KVPY can choose KVPY channel to get can refer the following link for referrence:

all the best!

I Hope this information will be useful to you.

if you need additional information,let us know to help you.

Thank you!!!:)


Weg been will the exam be conducted

priyaankasarkar Student Expert 7th Nov, 2018

Admissions into IISER can be through IISER SCB Aptitude test, KVPY and JEE Advanced score. The applications for all these will start tentaively from 4th week of May. The aptitude test usually happens in the 4th week of June. And the results are declared tentatively in the 1st week of JulY. However, its always advisable to keep an eye on the official website from the 1st week of April. 

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