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Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research Aptitude Test

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I passed 12th in 2017 am I eligible for IISER .. through SCB test ?

dhameerbhatia31_7970609 Student Expert 28th Apr, 2019

Hello Sree Krishna,

Yes, you are eligible. Candidates who have passed 10+2 or equivalent level exam with science stream in 2018 or 2019 are eligible to apply for admissions. 



I didnt have biology in 12th or equivalent test i had only PCM and comp application as optional.So am I eligible for the IISER test?

Neha Tolia 27th Apr, 2019
Hello aspirant,
You can refer to the following link for the details of the examination.
Good luck.

Can I apply for iiser through both scb and jee advance portal?

Blah blah 27th Apr, 2019

Dear Abhi,

Yes, you can apply for IIESR admission through both JEE Advanced and SCB Channel. 

IISER 2019 Admission will be based on three channel- SCB (State and Central Boards Channel), KVPY exam (Kishor Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana) & JEE Advanced exam. Candidates are allowed to apply for all the three channels but they must fulfil the eligibility criteria of each channel they are applying.

You must get a rank within 10,000 in Common Rank List in JEE Advanced to qualify for Interview. 


Sir I learned physics, chemistry, maths and computer in 12th. Am I eligible to apply for aptitude test?

Jojo Jyoti 16th Mar, 2019

To get an admission in the IISERs with a maths background you have 2 ways:
1. First you have to qualify JEE Mains to appear JEE Advance and get a rank within the top 10,000 AIR to apply for the admissions in IISER .

2. Or else , All the IISERs together carryout separate exams in order to give students admission called the SCB or STATE AND CENTRAL BOARDS CHANNEL. 

  • Students who have passed 10+2 level with science stream in 2018 or 2019 are eligible to apply for admissions and appear for IAT 2019.
  • Students applying through SCB channel will have to appear in the IISER Aptitude Test (IAT) which will be conducted at various centres across the country.
  • IISER Aptitude Test (IAT) 2019 will be conducted in fully computer-based test mode. IAT 2019 is likely to be held in June 2019.
  • However, they will be considered for admissions to the degree programmes only if they obtain the cut-off marks specified for their board.

    3.KVPY channel: If you have qualified KVPY you can apply for admission in IISERs.

    For further reference :


Can a dip. In engg. Student who is after 10th. Can give this exam after completing the 3 years dip. In engg.?

Neha Mohanty 29th Mar, 2019

Hello Anshu,

IISER has clearly stated its eligibility criteria for admissions:

Candidates who have passed 10+2 or equivalent level exam with science stream in 2018 or 2019 are eligible to apply for admissions. Candidates will be admitted to IISER only through following three channels.

  1. Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) channel
  2. Joint Entrance Examination (JEE-Advanced) of the Indian Institutes of Technology
  3. State and Central Boards Channel (SCB)

Hope this helps.


What percentage required apply for iiser test?

Debosmitha Bhattacharyya Student Expert 22nd Apr, 2019

Hello Pooja,

If you are joining through state and central board (PCB) stream, You need to be in the top 1% of your respective board. So the cutoff percentage varies accordingly. You can check the cutoff score at the website. Cbse board is usually around 95%.

After you have cleared the cutoff score you need to give an aptitude test and qualify that too.

For admission to engineering programmes through JEE advanced channel, candidates who have secured 75% marks (GEN/EWS/OBC-NCL) or 65% marks (SC/ST/PWD) in their Class XII (or equivalent) exams are also eligible for IISER test.

Good luck!


What are the admission criteria for admission to IISER BS or MS courses?Are these courses advisable for girls ?

Prabhakar Pradeep 22nd Apr, 2019

Hey Raj,

For masters, there are two programs in IISER, One is Integrated BS-MS and the second is Integrated Ph.D.

1. To get Admission in the Integrated BS-MS program, you have to have passed 12th with science stream having any one subject or both Mathematics and Biology. A five-year program without any exit option with a Bachelor's degree. you get either Masters or Nothing.

2. For Int PhD (Int. MS-Ph.D), You have to have had a Bachelor's degree in Science and related areas with a minimum of 60% or equivalent, and then only you can apply for it, there is an exit option, if you wish, after the MS. Selection is made by a written aptitude test followed by an Interview.


I have appeared 12 board exam result not declared can I eligible to apply iiser aptitude test

Priya 22nd Apr, 2019

As per the official IISER website,

YES you can appear for IISER aptitude test Even if your board results are awaited. While filling application, you can choose the option Result awaited.

However, you must upload your marksheet and fill subject details and marks on the application portal between 10th May (tentative) and 20th June (3 PM) in order to complete the application.

Below given is a link to the time table:

Hope this helps :)


I have appeared class 12 Board exam result not declared can eligible to appear IISER aptitude Test in CAB channel

Kritika Gupta 21st Apr, 2019

Hello Uddhaba, 

If you have appeared for your class 12 boards in 2019 and have had science stream in your 10+2 classes then you are eligible for admission to IISER. For other details regarding IISER eligibility and admission, you can look here :

Hope this helps  :) 


My son completed with MPC in state board telangana,there is no biology subject in Inter how he prepare for iiser ..please give clarify

Neha Mohanty 21st Apr, 2019

Hello Sir,

Biology is not considered as a mandatory subject to apply to IISER. Science is mandatory and your son needs to have a combination of Chemistry, Physics, Biology OR Maths.

So you need not worry about Biology. He can apply to IISER.

Hope this answers your query. Do let us know in case you need further assistance.

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