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Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research Aptitude Test

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If my score is low in KVPY, shall I choose SCB channel for appying IISER? If thro KVPY Cahnnel, for OBC, howmuch mark /rank is eligible to get admission in IISER? Pl.reply.

Sonali Sahu Student Expert 29th Nov, 2019
If you are eligible for the exam then just give your best. You can't prepare as per marks or rank. It's unpredictable. Just make  hard work and with sincere practice and preparation you can score good marks and a rank which will make you able to join a college.
It's okay if your mark is low. You just have to satisfy the eligibility criteria. That much will do the work.
Practice well and devote your time in understanding concepts and solve numericals with steps. Understand Every step and know why it is done like that.
Questions are not easy and it's really tough as it feels like you haven't studied anything like this. This can only be counterattack by lots of hardwork, practice and smart planning.
Hope it helps!

I want admission in IISER KOLKATA by SCB channel .. so what rank in iiser aptitude test is required for getting chance in iiser and what is number required in 180 ?

Yesh kumar 26th Nov, 2019
Hello Adrija,

Last year cut off for JEE channel (general category) was within 10000 rank in the CRL (Common Rank List) of JEE Advanced examination.

Cut off marks are different for different state board council.

Thank you.

on which date application will be open

Aditi amrendra Student Expert 8th Oct, 2019

Candidates can fill the application form of IISER 2020 from the month of May 2020. IISER Application Form 2020 will be available through online mode.

I hope this helps

is this cource is btech and where are the institutions

Vishwaksen Gouda Student Expert 2nd Oct, 2019
Hello mujahed,
The basic mandate of theIISERsis to carry out research in frontier areas of science and to provide quality science education at the undergraduate and the postgraduate levels.
And this are located various parts of india
And to get admission into this institutions will be carried out by
1.jee advanced

All the best

can anyone plz let me know how can i check that i am qualified in iiser aptitude test 2019 or not ..i am not getting result. application id no. 19042630 and also i dont even know how much score i secured in the test ..

Apoorva Student Expert 5th Oct, 2019

Hello Dear Student,

It is not possible to check the score you got in aptitude test because IISER has closed its result displaying portal and that is the only way to check the score as allotments for all the respective streams like SCB, JEE-Advanced and KVPY. I hope this was helpful.

Best Wishes!


how to download iiser aptitude model test paper?

Deblina Roy 10th Nov, 2019

Dear Aspirant,

You please  visit the official website for this then you will get the link for downloading the question papers. There you will get the pdf files.

Thank you .


what is eligibility criteria for CBSE improvement candidates

ADITYA KUMAR Student Expert 26th Sep, 2019

Hello there!


Improvements Exams are for students who have passed but are not satisfied with their marks and are willing to take the exams again .

Only such Candidate who has passed the examination of the Board in 2019 can apply in 2020 for improving his/her performance in one or more subjects provided he/she should have appeared in the same subjects in the examination held in March 2019. So this is the eligibility criteria to give cbse improvement exam 2020.



eligibility to appear in IISER no. of attempts nd all

kaneez fathima 8th Jul, 2020

Dear Abhinandan,

IISER aptitude test 2020 will be conducted in 3 channels JEE,KVPY and SCB. Candidates can apply for admission through any of 3 options ,but need to pass the IISER aptitude test first.

Aspirants should have qualified 10+2 with PCM/PCMB as majors to take admission in the course.

According to official guidelines each aspirant will be able to attempt the aptitude test only 2 times in his/her lifetime.

As of now,the application submission dates through KVPY and SCB have been extended up to July 21,2020 and the test is to be held on August 12,2020.

All the best!


who can apply the exam? whats the qualifications for exam?

gehnachawlagac 14th Sep, 2019


The IISER admissions are conducted through three channels - KVPY, JEE , and SCB . Aspiring candidates can apply through any or all of the three options, but should fulfil IISER Eligibility Criteria 2018 for the channels individually.

Candidates applying through first two channels are eligible for direct admission, while an aptitude test was conducted for candidates opting for SCB option.

the eligibility criteria :

KVPY ; Candidates need to have valid KVPY fellowship commencing from 2019-20 academic session.

JEE advanced ; Candidates belonging to general category need to secure a rank within 10,000 in the Common Rank List (CRL) of JEE Advanced 2018 to be eligible for IISER Admission 2018. Whereas, candidates falling in reserved categories (OBCNC, SC, ST, PD) should secure rank within 10,000.

SCB ; Students seeking admission under this channel must meet the minimum cutoff percentage prescribed by IISER for their respective state boards.

Candidates belonging to the Other Backward Classes (OBCNC) and Persons with Disability (PD) categories, there is a 5% relaxation to the prescribed eligibility criteria of IISER 2018 admission. Whereas, the cut-off percentage for the SC, ST and Kashmiri Migrants (KM) candidates is 55% in (10+2) level for all boards.

the cut off marks will also differ according to your state.

all the best

Thankyou, I hope it helps, Feel free to approach for further queries.


When will be the exam? Which is the last date for the submission of application,?

Saurav chaurasia 19th Aug, 2019

dear aspirant,hope you are doing well. now coming to your question,IISER Admission Application form Submission will be started in May and June for the Academic Year 2019 – 20. IISER Direct Admission 2019 will be Done Through JEE Advanced & KVPY Channels. The Admission in IISER through State & Central Board Channel will be done based on the score obtained in the Aptitude Test conducted by the University.
this is the the exam related time-table.
IISER Application Submission Starts from
Fourth Week of May 2019
Deadline to submit IISER Online Application form
Third week of June 2019
IISER Seat Allotment 2019
Fourth week of June 2019
Submission of SAF Begins
Last week of June 2019
Ending Date for SAF Submission 2019
First week of July 2019.

hope this will help.

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