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Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research Aptitude Test

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What is the fee structure in IITs and IISERs for general category???

D Nishant Kumar 5th Apr, 2019

Hey Jithin,

The fee structure for a general category student varies in different IITs and IISERs. As such as a reference I am providing some of the fee structure of some IISERs and IITs here. You can check others.

IISER, Kolkata

Here you have pay 3.28 lakhs for the full course of integrated MSc I.e it includes both BSc and MSc in various subjects such as Chemistry, Mathematics, Biological Science, Geological Science and Physical Science. The fee that they are accepting includes your tuition fee, registration fee and other miscellaneous fee for the 10 semesters I.e. for 5 years.

Again there are other courses are also available whose fees structures are as below and also it includes as above

For integrated Ph.D. program -: 3.28 lakhs

For Ph.D. program -: 1.25 lakhs

IISER, Bhopal

Here you have pay 3.92 lakhs for the full course of integrated MSc I.e it includes both BSc and MSc in various subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biological Science, Chemical Engineering and Electrical Engineering. The fee that they are accepting includes your tuition fee, registration fee and other miscellaneous fee for the 10 semesters I.e. for 5 years.

For other courses, the fee structures are as follow include all the registration fee and the tuition fees

BSc economics -: 3.14 lakhs

Integrated Ph.D. -: 3.82 lakhs

Ph.D. -: 1.69 lakhs

So these are some IISERs reference you can take for the fee structures for general category students.

Now moving onto the fee structure of IITs of general category students.

IIT Bhubaneswar

Here for the B.Tech course which includes the branches like Civil Engineering, Computer Science And Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical And Materials Engineering, you have to pay 7.91 lakhs for the full course I.e. for 8 semesters or for 4 years.

Again for the M.Tech course, you have to pay 1.72 lakhs for 4 semesters or for 2 years.

IIT Kharagpur

Here for the B.Tech course which includes the branches like Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Biotechnology And Biochemical Engineering, Computer Science And Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engineering, Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Agricultural And Food Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Metallurgical And Materials Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering, you have to pay 3.25 lakhs for 8 semester or for 4 years.

Again for M.Tech COURSES, it is 48,565 for 2 years or 4 semesters.

So here are some basic fee structure of IITs and IISERs. As you have not mentions the IITs name or the IISERs name you want to know so I just provided the info of these colleges.

If you want to know about more feel free to ask.

Thank you


I have passed 12 last year.Can i apply SCB mode now?

Ananya 4th Apr, 2019
Yes you can attempt the IISER AT in two consecutive years(the year in which you passed your 10+2 and the immediate next year).
Hope it helps

Approximate Mark required to get into trivandrum or pine iiser

Ankur Gupta 14th May, 2019

Actually it cannot be predicted now, how many marks you would need to make it to IISER Trivendram or Pune as it totally depends on the marks obtained by you and other students in JEE Advanced 2019.

As of last year's eligibility criteria a general category candidate must have a rank within 10000 in Common Rank List (CRL) and for reserved category (OBC-NCL, SC, ST, PWD) candidates it should be within 10000 in their respective categories.

I would suggest you to prepare for JEE Advanced rather than worrying about the admissions.

All the best!

Hope this helps!


Sir I have got 83% marks in cbse and 91 percentile in jee mains and we are kashmiri migrants. Cam I get admission in iiser

sohail varsi 13th May, 2019
S.N.BOARDS/COUNCILSCut-off Marks (out of 500) for IISERs Admission 2019
1Central Board Of Sec. Edu. (CBSE), New Delhi431420401385385
2Board Of Intermediate Education (Andhra Pradesh)469465452447447
3Assam Higher Secondary Education Council368364353322322
4Aligarh Muslim University Board Of Secondary & Sr. Sec. Education, AligarhNA**NA**NA**NA**NA**
5Bihar School Examination Board, Patna310305295299295
6Council For The Indian School Certificate Examinations, Delhi441424412381381
7Goa Board Of Sec. And Higher Sec.Education371355348349348
8Gujarat Sec. And Higher Sec. Education Board357335325299299
9Kerala Board Of Public Examinations (Kerala Board)447425402393393
10Board Of Sec. Education, Madhya Pradesh400391376360360
11Meghalaya Board Of School Education366337336345336
12Mizoram Board Of School Education364356332343332
13Nagaland Board Of School Education368368346340340
14Punjab School Education Board389387375366366
15Telangana State Board Of Intermediate Education, Nampally, Hyderabad468465454457454
16Tripura Board Of Secondary EducationNA**NA**NA**NA**NA**
17Maharashtra State Board Of Secondary And Higher Education342344325318318
18U.P. Board Of High School & Intermediate Education, U. P.358347339333333
19Board Of Secondary Education Rajasthan390391375368368
20Himachal Pradesh Board Of School Education Dharmashala, H. P.399388384383383
21Board Of School Education Haryana, Bhiwani405397381347347
22Council Of Higher Sec. Education, Manipur337340330358330
23Govt. Of Karnataka Dept. Of Pre-University Education, Karnataka419400346360346
24Council Of Higher Sec. Education, Odisha321321291266266
25Chhatisgarh Board Of Secondary Education375379355355355
26Jharkhand Academic Council, Ranchi314318300292292
27Jammu & Kashmir State Board Of School Education395383325303303
29Uttarakhand Board of School Education312310296292292
30West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education347352327294294
31Tamil Nadu Board of Higher Secondary Education431432429409409
32National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)343332327329327

How much Mark is needed as cut off for Kerala board exam 12th



I tell you Criteria for passing marks (Class 12): In order to be declared as having passed the examination, a candidate shall obtain a grade higher than E (i.e. at least 33 per cent marks) in all the five subjects of external examination in the main or at the compartmental examinations

i hope you understand....


what is the percent negative marks for each wrong answer??

Ritika Rani 31st Mar, 2019

Hi Garima 

This is RitikA

The marking scheme of ISER exam is that for every correct answer you will be awarded 3 marks and for every incorrect answer 1 marks will be deducted.This means almost 33.4%will deducted for every wrong attempt

Hope my answer helped you

Thank you


if any candidate who want admission in IISER and he/she has not given JEE advanced or KVPY can give IISER aptitude test?

Jasleen Kaur Taneja 11th May, 2019


Yes, you can appear for IISER aptitude test to be held on June 6, if you have applied for the same. For more information, visit

Best wishes


IS biotechnology available in Iiser

Hi Vaishnavi

IISERs offer mostly BS-MS degree, Integrated PhD and PhD programmes in Biology.

Separate course for Biotechnology is not seen in their academics. I think in PhD only you can opt for your choice of Biotechnology in IISERs.

IISER Bhopal only offers a BS program in Engineering and Economics, Not particularly in Biotechnology.

In 2nd and 3rd year of BS-MS programs, you can opt for your choice of discipline in Biology as your major and minor subjects.

Hope it helps.


Can I apply for IISER? I dont have biology . I took computer instead of biology

SOUVIK 6th May, 2019

Hello Md Sahil,

Below are the eligibility criteria for applying in IISER exam:-

  • Candidates should have passed 12th board examination in 2018 or 2019 in science stream are eligible to apply for this examination.
  • Candidates can get admission to IISER through only three channels:- a)KVPY(Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana) b)Joint Entrance Examination(JEE ADVANCE) c)State and Central Board Channel
  • Candidates having valid KVPY fellowship for academic session 2019-20 can apply.
  • Candidates securing Common Rank List(CRL) of minimum 10000 in JEE ADVANCE 2019 and category students must have category rank within 10000 in their respective category wise rank. 
  • Students must have the minimum cutoff marks as specified by their boards below are the minimum marks for different boards:-


S.N. BOARDS/COUNCILS Cut-off Marks (out of 500) for IISERs Admission 2019
1 Central Board Of Sec. Edu. (CBSE), New Delhi 431 420 401 385 385
2 Board Of Intermediate Education (Andhra Pradesh) 469 465 452 447 447
3 Assam Higher Secondary Education Council 368 364 353 322 322
4 Aligarh Muslim University Board Of Secondary & Sr. Sec. Education, Aligarh NA** NA** NA** NA** NA**
5 Bihar School Examination Board, Patna 310 305 295 299 295
6 Council For The Indian School Certificate Examinations, Delhi 441 424 412 381 381
7 Goa Board Of Sec. And Higher Sec.Education 371 355 348 349 348
8 Gujarat Sec. And Higher Sec. Education Board 357 335 325 299 299
9 Kerala Board Of Public Examinations (Kerala Board) 447 425 402 393 393
10 Board Of Sec. Education, Madhya Pradesh 400 391 376 360 360
11 Meghalaya Board Of School Education 366 337 336 345 336
12 Mizoram Board Of School Education 364 356 332 343 332
13 Nagaland Board Of School Education 368 368 346 340 340
14 Punjab School Education Board 389 387 375 366 366
15 Telangana State Board Of Intermediate Education, Nampally, Hyderabad 468 465 454 457 454
16 Tripura Board Of Secondary Education NA** NA** NA** NA** NA**
17 Maharashtra State Board Of Secondary And Higher Education 342 344 325 318 318
18 U.P. Board Of High School & Intermediate Education, U. P. 358 347 339 333 333
19 Board Of Secondary Education Rajasthan 390 391 375 368 368
20 Himachal Pradesh Board Of School Education Dharmashala, H. P. 399 388 384 383 383
21 Board Of School Education Haryana, Bhiwani 405 397 381 347 347
22 Council Of Higher Sec. Education, Manipur 337 340 330 358 330
23 Govt. Of Karnataka Dept. Of Pre-University Education, Karnataka 419 400 346 360 346
24 Council Of Higher Sec. Education, Odisha 321 321 291 266 266
25 Chhatisgarh Board Of Secondary Education 375 379 355 355 355
26 Jharkhand Academic Council, Ranchi 314 318 300 292 292
27 Jammu & Kashmir State Board Of School Education 395 383 325 303 303
28 Visva‐bharati NA** NA** NA** NA** NA**
29 Uttarakhand Board of School Education 312 310 296 292 292
30 West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education 347 352 327 294 294
31 Tamil Nadu Board of Higher Secondary Education 431 432 429 409 409
32 National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) 343 332 327 329 327

What is the cut off for CBSE board exam 2019 inorder to get admission through IISER aptitude test

Prabhakar Pradeep 5th May, 2019

Hello Gouri,

Joint Action Committee will release merit list and cutoff of IISER 2019 for candidates who wish to take admission in UG programmes offered by institute. Since the admission process is carried through different channels i.e., through JEE Advanced, KVPY and IISER aptitude test, merit list of IISER 2019 will be released separately for each channels. To check IISER 2019 merit list, candidates must login using registered email id and password. In case candidates name appears in the list then they will be eligible to get admission in five year BS-MS programmes in institutes of IISER across India. Based on the ranks secured in IISER 2019 merit list by candidates in JEE Advanced 2019 and KVPY result, institute will allot 50% seats to candidates. The rest 50% seats will be reserved for candidates applying through IISER entrance examination. The cutoff of IISER 2019 for all SC/ST candidates and Kashmiri Migrants is minimum 55% marks in 10+2 or equivalent for all boards.

For more details check the below-given link:

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