Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research Aptitude Test
Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISER), the Institution organize a national level examination, i.e. IISER SCB Aptitude Test. Through this exam, admission will be offered in 5 years of Dual Degree BS-MS courses in seven IISER institutions in the country. There is no official date announcement for the SCB channel result but it is supposed to be announced in first week of July.
Dear Rohith
The Indian Institute of Science Education and Research organises Aptitude Test and to be able to appear you need to clear eligibility criteria. The cutoff to appear in IISER is 88%. An additional relaxation of 5% is given to OBC candidate. SC/ST cutoff goes down to 55%. As you have got 90% in PCMB , you are eligible to write IISER Aptitude test. I hope it helped
Hello aspirant, congratulations on securing a good rank. Based on your rank, following are the colleges in which you can secure yourself a seat in course of your choice,
All the best!
To be eligible to take admission in integrated PhD Biology in IISER after B.Sc general following conditions are to be fulfilled:
1.In the JGEEBILS 2019, you need qualifying marks in the exam AND
2.60%(general/OBC)and 55%(SC/ST) cgpa in your Bachelor degree . Both of them is required.
You can also appear for this exam in last year of your bachelor's degree. I hope it helped
Your percentile is low to get into IISER,Mohali. As per your percentile and previous year cutoff, the colleges you get are:-
Pune institute of computer technology
Walchand institute of technology,Solapur
To know more about your chances of getting other colleges check out the college predictor link below:
Hello Susmit Som,
With a score of 119(out of 180) in IISER Aptitude test(IAT), you do have good chances of getting a seat in IISER Kolkata. If not the first round, you can get a seat in IISER Kolakata in further rouds of allotment.
For further details regarding IISER Kolkata, visit:
Hope it helps!
Best Wishes.
As you have stated that you have got 80 Marks in IISER entrance exam and you are from general category. I would like to tell you that the last year minimum cutoff for IISER was 75. For IISER trivandrum it was over 90. And every year cutoff almost increases, so may not get admission in IISER Trivandrum but yes you might have chance in other IISER but you will have to wait till 3rd round or after that to get your choice.i would suggest you choose your seats accordingly and go for counselling. I hope it helped
Dear Dipak
As you have stated that you score in IAT is 75(SCB) in general category. As per the last year cutoff, it was 72/200 to get into IISER , so yes you may have chance. But please remember that this is last year cutoff and it changes every year so it might increase this year too. But still you might have a chance. So go for the seat allocation and wait for the counselling. Good luck
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