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Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research Aptitude Test

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Out of 4 subjects that includes Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics do we have to attempt questions of all subjects or only of 3 subjects in IAT?

Sharon Rose Student Expert 5th May, 2020


Candidates need to attempt question from Biology, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.Each subject consists 15 questions, the total number of questions are 60.For each correct answer 3 marks will be awarded and for an incorrect answer 1 marks will be deduced.So you need to attempt all the 4 subjects in IAT 2020.


is it tough to get through IISER aptitude test??

Pankhuri Kumari 4th May, 2020
Hii Lakshmi!
Nothing is tough when you are prepared. So, don't think about such things and just focus on your preparation.  Focus on basics of all the subjects and solve previous year question papers as well as question banks. This will help you get an idea of the question paper and the type of questions asked. So, you'll be prepared well. Just have faith in yourself and do your best. Nothing is tough.
Hope this helps.
Good luck!

Which stream is advisable to crack iiser or any other exams for 5 year integrated msc course?(PCM ? PCB)

NILUTPOL Student Expert 10th Jun, 2020
In the IISER exam will consist of questions from Physics, Chemistry, maths and biology.
For details about the IISER syllabus and dates , please visit this link
It will be a 3 hours exam with 60 questions, 15 questions from each of Physics, chemistry, maths and biology.
You must focus on all fours subjects to score good marks at IISER.
IISERs offer courses such as BS-MS, integrated PhD andPhd to aspirants.

Hope it helps

how. to apply foowr iiseerw aptitude test

Smrity 19th Apr, 2020


You can apply for IISER aptitude test by filling the application form online on the official site of the college,

To apply for IISER Aptitude test the student should fulfill the eligibility criteria which is mandatory  like:

  • For KVPY the candidate is required to have a KVPY fellowsjip.
  • JEE Advanced the candidate should have  valid rank and score in Jee advanced as prescribed by official authorities.
  • For SCB Candidates can apply through this channel. It is mandatory for the candidate applying through this channel to appear in IISER aptitude test.

For more details visit the link below:

I hope this helps.

All the best!


Allready applied through SCB channel for IISER entrance examination. Need to apply again for KVYP channel ?

Aditi amrendra Student Expert 27th May, 2020

You can fill only if you fulfill the eligibility criteria given below :

KVPY Channel

Candidates having a valid KVPY fellowship commencing from 2020-21 academic session are eligible to apply for admissions. Additional cut-off criteria for marks obtained in 10+2 board examination is also applicable.

SCB Channel

Students who have passed 10+2 level with science stream in 2019 or 2020 are eligible to apply for admissions and appear for IAT 2020.
However, they will be considered for admissions to the degree programmes only if they obtain the cut-off marks specified for their board.
Students applying through SCB channel will have to appear in the IISER Aptitude Test (IAT) which will be conducted at various centres across the country.

I hope this helps.

can environmental education sub. marks in 12th will be considered in cut off?

Smrity 8th Apr, 2020


Yes, Environmental education marks in 12th  may be considered for the calculation of cutoff. Subjects like physical education, music etc. are generally not considered for calculation of cutoff marks.

For IISER Aptitude test cutoff marks calculation you can use environmental education marks and they are considered for cutoff marks calculation out of 500.

All the best!


important documents for filling the form

Aditi amrendra Student Expert 31st Mar, 2020

This depends on the channel from which you are applying.

Basic Details
Candidates Contact Number
Alternative Phone Number (if any)
Date of Birth (DoB)
Name of Guardian
Aadhaar Card Number (Not mandatory)
Alternative Email Address (if any)
Person of disability or not
Kashmiri Migrant or not
Details to be entered by the candidates opting for

  • SCB Channel

Candidates full name (as in class 10 certificate)
Guardians name
Address of communication
Pin code
Contact number
Email id
Date of Birth (as in class 10 certificate)
Passing year of class 12
Board of Class 12 or equivalent examination
Roll number of class 12 or equivalent examination
Marks obtained in class 12 or equivalent examination
Recipients of the eligibility note from the school board for Inspire Fellowship. (Yes / No)
Language for Aptitude Test
Centre for IISER 2020 counselling
Choice of IISER for admission
Details to be entered by the candidates opting for

  • JEE Advanced Channel

Name (as in class 10 certificate)
Date of Birth (as in class 10 certificate)
Guardians name
Address of communication
Pin code
Contact number
Email address
JEE Advanced 2020 roll number
Year of passing class 12
Board of class 12 or equivalent examination
Roll number of class 12 or equivalent examination
Marks obtained in class 12 or equivalent examination
Centre for IISER 2020 counselling
Choice of IISER for admission
Passport size image in PNG/ JPG/ BMP format and not larger than 2MB in size.
Clear image of marksheet and not larger than 2MB in size.
Registration details of the exam
Details to be entered by the candidates opting for

  • KVPY Channel

KVPY Application Number
KVPY Seat Number
Percentage Marks in 10+2
Year of Passing (10+2)
Candidates will also have to select nine choices for admission depending upon their preference.

For more details and  to k ow form fill-up entire process,click on the link below :

I hope this helps.

can I get admission 2020iiser without Maths?

Sai Sri Nandan Ch 20th Mar, 2020


YES, you can certainly gain admission but the IISER Aptitude Test contains 25% Maths questions.

Although it is not mandatory to have Maths background in class 12, it is NOT possible to give the exam without Maths.

If you don't have Maths in class 12, then you can learn the basics to score atleast few marks in the exam.

You can learn more about the IISER test and all related stuff from this link:

Hope this helps.



I m PCM student I want to get into IISER but biology is a problem for me. pls provide solution

Sharon Rose Student Expert 22nd Apr, 2020


Candidates can get admission through JEE Advanced in IISER.Candidates rank must be in top 10,000 to be eligible to get admission.So you need to appear in JEE main qualify in it and appear in JEE Advanced.

For other information you can click the link below


How should I prepare for ISI B.Stat admission test within one or two months? I dont have TOMATO book but I have WBCHSE road to success mathematics book only. Is it enough to crack ISI?

Sonali Sahu Student Expert 17th Apr, 2020


If you are worried about score, then first thing you have to do is to calm down. Score won't come if you get anxious.

  1. If you have prescribed book which is needed to prepare for entrance exam then that much will do.
  2. Start from easy chapters. Solve examples and chapter end questions. there is solution to everything.
  3. Solve and look for solution. check if it is correct. if you get wrong then solve it again next day morning or evening. Keep on progressing.
  4. Go from easy to hard and wrong to right.

There is no shortcut to success. It is only hardwork to get it. Practice as much as you can. Take help of friends and youtube lectures if necessary.

Hope it helps!

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