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Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research Aptitude Test

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in IISER aptitude biology compulsory in exam for MPC students of state board..we didnt study biology in intermediate College. how to attempt it..pls give me full details...

Souhardya Goswami 29th Aug, 2020

Hello aspirant.

No, Biology is not compulsory in iiser, in case any subject is not compulsury for iiser test.

You can take any of the subjects.Especially since the common subjects- Physics and Chemistry - are not crazily tough, hence a lot of people will score well here. Also, if you are a Math / Bio background student, you will obviously be expected to score well in your specific subject.

Hence, for a math background student, it is somewhat essential to ensure that you take atleast some points from the bio section to supplement your total score. This will give you a good advantage over a large number of people.

Hope this will help you.


IISER Aptitude test 2020 and CUCET entrance exam for UG courses are on same day(september 18th).Is there any chance of changing the exam dates?What students applied for both will do?

Athulya Jaison 30th Aug, 2020

I am also facing the same problem.I think that if the authorities are informed about this,then there might be a change in any one of the exam.I just wrote an email to both the authorities on an address found on the may also do it.If more candidates are there in the same situation,then it may work.So please ask more people to do it.


I wrote the iiser aptitude test(IAT) 2020 and is expecting a score of 80. Im a general category student. Is there a chance of getting into any IISERS? If so, which institute shall i get mostly.

vasanthakum 21st Sep, 2021

Hello Sara,

I am expecting 80marks in IAT2021 and belongs General category. Could you please let me know, whether you got admission in IISER? If so, which one? Thanks in advance.


I got 67 marks in IISER aptitude test 2020.which IISER s can I expect?

Jainshahajal 28th Sep, 2020

Hello Aspirant,

At this marks it is very difficult to get IISER. There is very less chance to get IISER. IISER cutoff has own criteria. I depend on some factors like school board (CBSE,ICSE and other state board), minimum score by the applicants and also depend on category.

If the candidate belong to CBSE board and from  general category then candidate should score approximately 420 marks, if Candidate belong to OBC then Candidate score should be approximately 400/410 marks, if candidate are from SC/ST then the score is approximately  370marks.

And as per your marks it is very difficult to get IISER.

I hope this information is helpful for you.

All the best for your bright future ahead.



Shakti Swarupa Bhanja 26th Sep, 2020

Hi Gaurang Krishna !

Due to the COVID-19 crisis this year, the SCB cutoff for state and central boards were relaxed to 60% (not top 20 percentile anymore).

So the marks secured in your boards doesn't matter unless it is less than 60%.

Now coming to the fact that you secured 75/180 in IAT test. If you belong to general category, it is difficult to predict....because gen-EWS category reservation is introduced this year so cutoff may vary greatly.

Also it depends on your list of preferences if you will bag a seat. If you have IISER bpr or Tirupati in the first or second preference then you may get them in the last rounds of allotment.

Still I request you to wait till the last rounds of allotment...there may be post allotment sessions also..keep checking your emails and stay updated.

All the best !


I am an OBC candidate,as per answer key 2020 IISER,i may get 82 marks,is it posible to get admission in Trivandrum IISER?

Ayona 25th Sep, 2020


IISER 2020 cutoff will be based on various parameters like numbers of appearing candidates, total number of seats, the difficulty level of exam and the last year admission record. IISER cutoff is based on the state board, CBSE board, ICSE board.  You haven't mentioned your Board but considering your board as CBSE then you need to have 88.3 % to get admission in, and state board have their own cutoff %.  There is also 5% cutoff relaxation will be provided to OBC(NCL).

For further information you can check this link below:-


I have 68 marks in iiser aptitude test 2020 can I get admission in any iiser

Shubhit Sardana 20th Oct, 2020

I am also scoring exacty same marks. I don't think there is a chance unless or until you are of reserved catogry( Sc or St or Obc)


I am getting 92 marks in IISER Aptitude test with the official answer key. I am a OBC candidate. Can I get IISER Pune ?

Shivani sunil kakde 24th Sep, 2020

Dear Aspirant,

IISER doesn't provide any official cutoff list.So looking at the previous year's cutoff,there is a better chance of your's to get admission in IISER.The last year's utoff for OBC was 60-70 marks.So according to your marks you will get a good IISER.But the cutoff might change every year.

All the best

Thank you


i have scored 44 marks in the iiser aptitude test 2020 and secured 94.4 marks in +2 cbse. whether i will get admission in iiser

Prashant Chaudhary 23rd Sep, 2020


The cutoff marks in IISER aptitude test is not released by the college authorities. So you can't be sure on it and it varies every year. However if you are a general candidate, you should get atleast 70 marks to secure a seat in IISER. I don't think at a score of 44, it would be possible to make it. You can read more about IISER cutoffs at this link-

Thank you.


i got only 46 marks in iiser n from sc category.can i get iiser?

Jainshahajal 23rd Sep, 2020

Hello Aspirant,

According to your score, it is difficult to get admission in IISER.

To get admission in IISER you marks is low . you don't have chance to get seat in IISER because of its difficulty level.

For more information I'm providing you a link that might help you:

I hope this information would be helpful for you.

All the best for your bright future ahead.

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