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Amity Joint Entrance Examination

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what is the marks vs rank for Amity Jee?

Alivia G 14th Apr, 2020

Hi Udit

Amity University is now conducting online exams for all UG and PG courses . If you are interested to appear on entrance exam of Amity get in touch . you can get more updates related to Amity .


what is the cutoff for amity jee btech?

Sudarshan kumar 15th Mar, 2020

Hi Udit,

The cutoff for Amity JEE B.Tech is around  1,11,275(General Unreserved category).You can also take direct admission in Amity on the basis of your 12th board marks and a interview or small paper test in which all the students get passed for admission,some student who got rejected are the students who have not scored even 60 percent in 12th with any additional subject.

For any further information regarding Amity JEE kindly visit the link given below:-

Hope this will help,please feel free to ask if you have any further queries.

Thank You.


Dear sir/ mam My class 12th total percentage is 61 can i eligible for AMITY JEE Im general candidate?

Alivia G 14th Apr, 2020

Hi Smrity

you are eligible for Amity JEE . Amity 's exam is on going . Please be in touch to get more knowledge about Amity University. you can ping on whatsapp 8918940910


What is the total marks of Amity JEE ?? And how much should we score to qualify in this examination?

Rishikesh Shandilya 4th Feb, 2020
Hello Aspirant.

In AmityJEE the total number of question is 90 with the maximum marks of 360.physics chemistry and Mathematics/biology will be of 100 marks each while English will be of 60 marks.
And there's no cutoff like things.the exam is easy you are definitely going to crack it.

Hope this helps you


Budhan Singh Haiburu 23rd Dec, 2019

Dear candidate,

Please refer to the link below to get the complete information about the eligibility criteria for amity jee 2020.

Please feel free to reach out in the comment section for further query.



I passed 12th in 2019. I didnt get 75% aggregate in PCM. Am I eligible if I repeat some of the subjects to get the required 75% marks??

Abinash Panigrahi 17th Dec, 2019


Yes, you'll be eligible to get into any IITs and NITs after repeating your 12th board. But, if you are doing your 12th through CBSC and ISC boards you have to score a minimum of 75% in total. If you're doing your 12th board from any other state boards than you have to be within the top 20 percentile to be eligible to do so.

Hope this helps!


ranking in India for this college

Ananya Khosla 12th Jan, 2020

Hello Rahul,

As your question does not specifies as of which college's ranking in India you are asking for, so we are not able to answer it clearly. I would request you to make your question clear. Mention the name of the college you are asking about. Then only we can help to resolve your query.

Good Luck!


which exam want to give for this exam

iammohdshareef 1st Dec, 2019

You have to write Amity JEE for admission to B.Tech courses in Amity Institutions. For writing Amity JEE, you should have qualified 10+2 or equivalent qualifying exam from a recognised board. Should have studied 12th in regular mode with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as core subjects. Fine arts, Physical education, performing arts, vocational, non written subjects wil not be considered while calculating percentage.

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